Measurement : Optical depth

A measure of how much light airborne particles, whether aerosols, cloud droplets, or ice particles, prevent from passing through a column of atmosphere. This type includes gaseous absorption and scattering, and is the most general case. See _aerosol optical depth_ and _cloud optical depth_ for more specific cases.

Aerosols, Cloud Properties


The above measurement is considered scientifically relevant for the following instruments. Refer to the datastream (netcdf) file headers of each instrument for a list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

  • ARM Instruments
    • HSRL : High Spectral Resolution Lidar
    • MFRSR : Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer
    • NIMFR : Normal Incidence Multifilter Radiometer
  • External Instruments
    • GOES : Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
  • Field Campaign Instruments
    • AOS-PMFOV : Acoustical Optical Spectrometer-Photometer with Multiple Fields of View
    • AOD : Aerosol Optical Depth, derived from MFRSR/NIMFR
    • AATS : Ames Airborne Tracking Sunphotometer
    • GOES : Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
    • HSRL : High Spectral Resolution Lidar
    • MIRAI : JAMSTEC Research Vessel Mirai
    • MFRSR-WV1BARN : MFRSR Water-Vapor Barnard Algorithm
    • MPL-AIR : Micropulse Lidar- Airborne
    • LBTM-MINNIS : Minnis Cloud Products Using LBTM Algorithm
    • MFRSR : Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer
    • UAV-PROTEUS-MICRO : Proteus Cloud Microphysics Instruments
    • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles
    • SOAR : Shipboard Oceanographic and Atmospheric Radiation
    • SAM : Sun and Aureole Measurement
    • UAV-GNAT : UAV-General Atomics GNAT

Value-Added Products

  • LBTM-MINNIS : Minnis Cloud Products Using LBTM Algorithm (Process)
  • RLPROF : Raman LIDAR Vertical Profiles (Process)
    • 10RLPROFBE1NEWS : Raman LIDAR (RL): Best-estimate state of the atmospheric profiles from Raman Lidar
    • 10RLPROFBE1TURN : Raman LIDAR (RL): Best-estimate state of the atmos. profiles from RL & AERI+GOES retrievals
    • 1RLPROFEXT1FERR : 1-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol extinction profiles and aerosol optical thickness, from first Ferrare algorithm
    • 10RLPROFEXT1FERR : 10-minute Raman Lidar: aerosol extinction profiles and aerosol optical thickness, from first Ferrare algorithm
  • AOD : Aerosol Optical Depth, derived from MFRSR/NIMFR (Process)
    • MFRSRAOD1MICH : MFRSR: derived total & aerosol optical depth from 1st Michalsky algorithm
    • NIMFRAOD1MICH : NIMFR: derived total & aerosol optical depth from 1st Michalsky algorithm