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Test Your Knowledge - Take the Milestones Quiz

Below is just a sampling of developmental milestones, for a complete list please visit the milestones page.


What developmental milestone is this child showing us?

Photo: A little girl and her teacher

a. Begins to show defiant behavior
b. Imitates behavior of others, especially adults and older children
c. Can take turns in games
d. Expresses affection openly


What developmental milestone is this child showing us?

Photo: A young girl

a. Repeats sounds or gestures for attention
b. Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
c. Plays make-believe with dolls, animals, and people
d. Spontaneously shows affection for familiar playmates


What developmental milestone is this child showing us?

Photo: A young girl setting the table

a. Plays “mom” or “dad”
b. Understands concept of “two”
c. Uses fork and spoon
d. Interested in new experiences


 What developmental milestone is this child showing us?

Photo: A little boy has found something in the fence

a. Begins to show defiant behavior
b. More excited about company of other children
c. Points to interesting objects
d. Expresses a wide range of emotions


What developmental milestone is this child showing us?

Photo: A little boy putting a snack in his mouth with his hands

a. Responds to "no"
b. Finger-feeds himself
c. Babbles chain of sounds
d. Begins make-believe play


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This little girl is imitating the silly actions of her teacher.  Most children imitate the behavior of others, especially adults and older children, by the time they are 2-years-old. 

More Information
Visit the Milestones Page


This little girl is pretending to take care of her baby doll by giving it a kiss before she puts it in bed. Most children play make-believe with dolls, animals, and people by their third birthday.

More Information
Visit the Milestones Page


This little girl is setting the table, just like mom and dad.  Pretending to be “mom” or “dad” is a skill most children develop by the time they turn four.

More Information
Visit the Milestones Page


This little boy is pointing to show his mom that the doll is stuck in the fence. Pointing to show interesting objects is a milestone that is usually met by the time a child is 18-months-old.

More Information
Visit the Milestones Page


This little guy is finger-feeding himself his snack. Most children are able to finger-feed themselves by the time they are one-year-old. Although this milestone can sometimes be messy, it is important to allow children to develop this skill.

More Information
Visit the Milestones Page

Choking is very common among young children and can cause serious injuries or even death. For information on choking prevention, visit Healthy Children.






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