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Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Young volunteers choose to give back to community

Published: Monday, January 16, 2012, 4:20 AM
Guest Columnist
By Robert Velasco II and Emily Gilliland

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'" While some are planning to rest this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, more than 1,000 college students will answer King's call and come together to serve Portland youth.

These millennials are bucking stereotypes about their generation, not spending the day sleeping late or shopping but instead joining other citizens, young and old, to meet community needs in tough economic times.

Through Oregon Campus Compact, nine universities and colleges along with community partners will engage more than 1,000 college students in the largest mobilization of college students in the country.

Focusing on the theme of education as a civil right, participants will serve in projects locally at Roosevelt High School, a North Portland school on the rise. The projects range from beautification tasks around the school to reflection workshops with leaders in the civil rights movement.

The Corporation for National and Community Service, working with the King Center, leads the national effort to make the MLK holiday "a day on, not a day off." Americans of all backgrounds will fulfill that promise by delivering meals, refurbishing schools and community centers, collecting food and clothing, signing up mentors, supporting veterans and military families, promoting nonviolence and more, with many projects starting on King Day and lasting throughout the year.

Many of those serving will be millennials -- the generation of young people born after 1982. In 2010, 11.6 million millennials dedicated 1.2 billion hours of service to communities across the country, according to the CNCS report, "Volunteering in America." Portland millennials led the nation, ranking first with a volunteer rate of nearly 40 percent. The rest of the city deserves its due, ranking second in the nation for its volunteer rate.

Finding a service project has never been easier. Service has become more accessible to young people, as technologies like the volunteer search engine and Facebook make it easier for young people to make a difference -- whether across town or around the world. Great local organizations like the United Way of the Columbia-Willamette, Hands On Greater Portland and Multnomah County RSVP provide countless service opportunities for individuals of all ages.

Service is also a great way for all generations, whether millennials, Gen Xers or baby boomers, to come together and give back, helping strengthen the health and security of our communities. When we serve, we are role models of civic participation that can inspire other citizens to serve and be part of solutions in our communities.

The needs are great, many Americans are hurting and government can't do it alone. We need citizens to help renew our nation and expand equality and opportunity for all. Service is a powerful way for citizens, nonprofits, the private sector and government to work together to meet critical needs and advance King's dream of opportunity.

Follow the example of Portland millennials and take action to help others today and throughout the year. By joining together in service, we can help realize King's dream and build America's new foundation.

Robert Velasco II is acting CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service. Emily Gilliland is executive director of Oregon Campus Compact.

Related topics: martin luther king jr day

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