Asian Liver Center

Take this short true-false quiz to test your knowledge of hepatitis B. Simply click on either "true" or "false" and an explanation will appear in the text box below it.

1. Patients infected with HBV who show no symptoms and have normal liver function tests are "healthy carriers."

2. Between 5% and 15% of all Asian and Pacific Islander Immigrants are chronically infected with hepatitis B.

3. A HBV carrier is less likely to have serious complications than people with chronic HBV.

4. Hepatitis B is transmitted through eating contaminated food.

5. Approximately one million people worldwide die annually from hepatitis B.

6. There is no way of preventing liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC).

7. Once a person contracts Hepatitis B, liver cancer is inevitable.

8. Liver cancer is caused by alcohol.

9. A positive Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) test means the individual tested is chronically infected with the hepatitis B virus.

10. Children born to a HBV chronically infected mother will always be chronically infected with HBV.

11. A booster shot of the HBV vaccine is recommended after the 3-dose vaccination series is completed.

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