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News from the Joint Board

  • Reminder to Enrolled Actuaries Who Haven't Renewed or Haven't Received Confirmation of Renewal for the Cycle Effective April 1, 2011.  To maintain active enrollment to perform actuarial services under ERISA, each enrolled actuary is required to renew his/her enrollment as set forth in the Joint Board regulations.  Only those enrolled actuaries in active enrollment status for the cycle effective April 1, 2011, may use the “-11” prefix or otherwise perform actuarial services under ERISA.

If you were initially enrolled prior to January 1, 2011, and have not filed an application for renewal of enrollment effective April 1, 2011, you have been placed on the roster of inactive enrolled actuaries.  Effective April 1, 2011, you have been ineligible to perform actuarial services under ERISA.  You may return to active status at any time during your period of inactive enrollment by satisfying the requirements to return to active enrollment and by filing an application to return to active enrollment. However, if you previously received notice of termination of enrollment, you are ineligible to renew your enrollment. Instead, you will need to apply as a new enrolled actuary and meet the requirements for initial enrollment.

If you filed an application for renewal of enrollment effective April 1, 2011, and have not received a confirmation of renewal, please contact us at  Until you receive a confirmation of renewal, you should consider yourself in inactive status.  Please note that the Joint Board no longer sends a notice of inactive status to each enrolled actuary who fails to renew his/her enrollment.

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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-02