Europe and Eurasia

Expanding Liberty, Enhancing Stability and Supporting Integration

Having emerged from decades of authoritarian rule, most of Europe and Eurasia has embraced political and economic reform, leading to vibrant growth and inspiring democratic transformations. But development challenges still slow the area’s growth and transformation into a region that is whole, free and at peace.

We continue to address the pervasive corruption, political stagnation, significant poverty and undeveloped policy and regulatory environments that hold the region back. As a region of increasing economic importance, our investments help support American trade and investment. And as home to several NATO allies, our development ties strengthen critical national security bonds.

We are focused on:

  • Expanding democratic liberty, by promoting reform in Ukraine, supporting civil society in Russia, and addressing difficult challenges to democracy and human rights in Belarus;
  • Enhancing stability in the Caucasus by strengthening economic growth and trade and accelerating institutional and civil society development;
  • Supporting European integration by strengthening democratic institutions and promoting economic growth in Moldova; and
  • Promoting tolerance and reconciliation in the western Balkans by helping countries there reach their goal of Euro-Atlantic integration.

Our support has helped integrate countries into global markets and partnerships, supporting Central and Eastern European states as they prepared for entry into European Union and transatlantic institutions:

  • From 24 original partner countries, 11 have graduated from our assistance, 17 have joined the World Trade Organization, 10 have acceded to the E.U., and 12 have joined NATO.
  • The 11 countries that have graduated from our assistance are some of the U.S.’s strongest allies and are now providing their own economic assistance in the region.
  • Our support of civil society has strengthened independent media and helped political coalitions lead democratic breakthroughs in Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia.
  • In a region once home to significant environmental damage and neglect, we’ve helped all our partner countries establish professional energy regulatory authorities.

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Last updated: July 31, 2012