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The purpose of the Common Core of Data is to collect basic statistical information on all children in the United States and territories receiving a free public education from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. The United States Code, Titles 13 and 20, authorizes these surveys and provides for voluntary responses. The National Center for Education Statistics funds these surveys as part of the Common Core of Data program.


The CCD is collected by all 50 states, outlying territories, Department of Defense (overseas and domestic), and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.


The CCD contains three information categories: identifying information; basic statistics; and fiscal data. The identifying information includes names, addresses and administrative information; basic statistics include number of students and staff, demographic information on students, high school completion rates, and student dropout data. The CCD is maintained in three separate, but linked, data sets: public elementary and secondary schools, local education agencies, and states.


Annually in its current form since 1986.


An enumeration of all 50 states, outlying territories, Department of Defense (overseas and domestic), and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Data are collected by the Department of Education’s EDFacts team.


The National Center for Education Statistics provides data and research files and reports such as:

For additional information visit the Common Core of Data web page at http://nces.ed.gov/ccd/.


The CCD provides the most current and comprehensive directories of U.S. public elementary and secondary schools and local education agencies. This is the only standard national identification system for these entities.


The school and agency universes are used to construct and validate commercial listings such as those available from the Quality Education Data (QED) or Market Data Retrieval (MDR). As the Nation's only public, annually updated universe, the CCD is the sampling frame for major Department of Education programs and surveys such as the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), The Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), and the Fast Response Survey System (FRSS). The Office for Civil Rights uses the CCD as a sampling frame and to identify its universe for schools and districts.

The Department of Education's Performance Based Data Management Initiative (PBDMI) used the CCD school and agency universes as the frame for developing and pilot-testing its collect of data for a comprehensive data repository. The Universal Services Administrative Company (E-rate) requires the CCD identification code for all applying schools. The Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) determines a school district's eligibility on the basis of the locale code assign by the CCD on the basis of reported information.


o National Public Education Financial Survey

o Local Government School System Finance Survey




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You are here: Economic Programs Overview -> Governments -> Non-Fiscal Surveys of the Common Core of Data (CCD)