United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service
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Food Safety Education
Regulations & Policies
FSIS Recalls
Food Defense & Emergency Response
Codex Alimentarius
Small & Very Small Plant Outreach
Compliance Assistance
Use this as your first resource in maintaining compliance with FSIS policies. Review compliance, labeling, and new technology guides and resources, as well as HIKE and IKE information.

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Common Questions

Find answers to questions on inspection-related policies, programs, systems, and procedures. Search the knowledge base, submit a new question, or sign up to be notified when answers are updated.

Commonly Asked Questions from Small and Very Small Plants
FSIS provides answers to questions received from small and very small plant owners.

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Education and Training Materials

Preparing Small and Very Small Meat and Poultry Establishments for the Future of HACCP: A Cooperative Approach (PDF Only)
A white paper addressing the training, information and technical assistance needs of small and very small processors with recommendations for regulators, academia and the industry.

The Counter-Top Food Safety Training Program
Bi-lingual lesson plans, in English and Spanish, designed for instructing Spanish-speaking line employees in food safety basics and suggested Good Manufacturing Practices.

Flooding: A Checklist for Small and Very Small Meat, Poultry and Egg Processing Plants | PDF (Sep 22, 2008)
FSIS provides a list of steps to take in the event of flooding.

Avian Influenza Training
Provides the inplant inspection team with the information and resources needed to recognize clinical signs and gross lesions that could be suggestive of Avian Influenza.

Meat, Poultry and Processed Egg Products Inspection Videos
A collection of streaming video and audio resources for meat, poultry and processed egg product inspection.

Podcasts on Food Defense and Food Safety for Meat, Poultry and Processed Egg Product Inspection
FSIS provides educational podcasts with information for owners and operators of small and very small meat, poultry and processed egg products establishments about how FSIS and industry can ensure public health protection through food safety and food defense.

Regulatory Education
Small and very small plant owners and operators are invited to join FSIS inspection personnel at regulatory (outreach) workshops and web seminars to bring industry and inspection personnel together to promote a uniform understanding of the regulations.

Regulatory Education Web Seminars
View the various regulatory education video sessions provided to promote a uniform understanding of the regulations.

Small Plant News
Small Plant News is a monthly publication to inform and educate small and very small plant owners and operators on FSIS news.  It fosters plants' ability to produce the safest food by providing essential tips that encourage highest sanitation standards, paperwork compliance and cost-saving measures.

Workshops for Small Plants
Download materials from past workshops for small and very small plants. You can also watch our Meetings & Events page for news of upcoming workshops.

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Executive Orders, Small Business Protection Laws & Policies on Regulatory Decisions
Access the summary of laws and executive orders governing the rulemaking process and small business protection laws and resources to help in understanding FSIS' non-retaliation policy, FSIS policies on regulatory decisions, Agency contact list, and how to use the Small Business Administration's Office of the National Ombudsman.

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FSIS Strategic Implementation Plan for Strengthening Small and Very Small Plant Outreach - 2006-2007 (PDF Only)
The FSIS Administrator charged an ad hoc task force to develop the Agency's response to the needs of small and very small plant owners and operators.

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HACCP Directories

Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory
Access the listing of establishments, regulated by USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, that produce meat, poultry, and/or egg products

Rural Development State Contact Information
Access detailed information about Rural Development programs and applications for financial assistance.

State HACCP Contacts & Coordinators
HACCP Contacts and Coordinators provide technical advice, assistance, resources and conduct activities to support HACCP implementation in small and very small plants.

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HACCP Resources

Antimicrobial Spray Treatments for Red Meat Carcasses Processed in Very Small Meat Establishments
Pennsylvania State University has developed a DVD and an intervention booklet for small and very small meat and poultry plants with funding from a USDA-CSREES grant. This information describes an effective antimicrobial intervention for red meat carcasses processed in very small meat plants.

Developing a Food Defense Plan for Meat and Poultry Slaughter and Processing Plants (Jan 2007; PDF Only)
Developed in consultation with very small, small, and large meat and poultry processors, this guide provides an easy, practical, and achievable three-step method for creating a food defense plan. By completing pages 13 -16 of this guide, you will have a plan specific for your operation.

Federal Grant of Inspection Guide
Provides requirements for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) and outlines the step-by-step process applicants can follow to obtain a grant of inspection. Food Safety Information for Small and Very Small Plants - Brochure* | PDF
FSIS offers a variety of resources to assist small and very small plants with their HACCP programs. (Please use the PDF version for orders by surface mail or fax.)
*Includes online order form.

Resources and Information
Learn about training programs and resources developed to support the educational information needs of industry and foodservice professionals in implementing HACCP programs.

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Last Modified: June 11, 2010



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