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Alec Talin

Alec Talin is a Project Leader in the CNST Energy Research Group. He received a B.A. in Chemistry from the University of California at San Diego and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles. After completing his postdoctoral work at Sandia National Laboratories, Alec spent several years with Motorola Physical Sciences Research Labs, first as a staff scientist and subsequently managing the Materials Characterization Laboratory. In 2002, Alec returned to Sandia to direct and develop programs in nanofabrication, nanoelectronics, photonics, and sensing. Alec joined the CNST in 2009, and is leading projects focused on fundamental measurements of nanostructured materials in electrochemical energy storage

Selected Programs/Projects

Selected Publications

  • Diameter-dependent Electronic Transport Properties of Au-catalyst/Ge-nanowire Schottky Diodes, F. Leonard, A. A. Talin, B. S. Swartzentruber, and S. T. Picraux, Physical Review Letters 102, 106805 (2009).
  • Photoluminescence, Thermal Transport, and Breakdown in Joule-Heated GaN Nanowires, T. Westover, R. Jones, J. Y. Huang, G. Wang, E. Lai, and A. A. Talin, Nano Letters 9, 257-263 (2009).
  • Unusually Strong Space-charge-limited Currents in Thin Wires, A. A. Talin, F. Leonard, B. S. Swartzentruber, X. Wang, and S. D. Hersee, Physical Review Letters 101, 076802 (2008).
  • Size-dependent Effects on Electrical Contacts to Nanotubes and Nanowires, F. Leonard and A. A. Talin, Physical Review Letters 97, 026804 (2006).
  • Large Area, Dense Silicon Nanowire Array Chemical Sensors, A. A. Talin, L. L. Hunter, B. Rokad, and F. Leonard, Applied Physics Letters 89, 153102 (2006).
  • Thermal Stability of Ni-Mn Electrodeposits, A. A. Talin, E. A. Marquis, S. H. Goods, J. J. Kelly, and M. K. Miller, Acta Materialia 54, 1935-1947 (2006).
Staff Photo - A. Talin


Project Leader
Energy Research Group


B.A. Chemistry - University of California at San Diego

Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering - University of California at Los Angeles


Phone: 301-975-4724
Email: albert.talin@nist.gov