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NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee  (PAC)



The NSLS-II Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is charged by the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Director to review the progress of the NSLS-II Project on matters related to project planning, execution, management, and safety. The PAC will identify any issues whose resolution is critical to the success of the project in meeting project performance, cost, and schedule goals, and provide continuity of oversight until the completion of the project. The PAC will consider the reports of other technical advisory committees and reviews of the NSLS-II project in assessing the health of the entire project.

The Committee members will be appointed by the BNL Director based on discussions with the Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) for the Light Sources Directorate and composed of those who have experience in the planning, construction, management, and operations of major scientific research facilities. The appointment terms will be three years with renewal possible by mutual consent.

Regular meetings will be held annually and additional meetings will be called to deal with specific issues that arise and cannot be dealt with by email or conference calls. The Chair, in consultation with the ALD for the Light Sources Directorate, will set the meeting agenda. The output of the PAC will consist of recommendations concerning all aspects of the project conveyed in oral briefings of the BNL Director, the ALD, and other project staff at the conclusion of each PAC meeting and in a written report submitted shortly after each PAC meeting.


  • Ken Stanfield, Chair, FNAL (retired)
  • Gene Desaulniers (retired)
  • Michael Harrison, BNL
  • Suzanne Herron, ORNL
  • Michael Rowe, NIST Center for Neutron Research (retired)
  • Les Price, DOE ORNL (retired)
  • Albin Wrulich, Paul Scheurer Institute (PSI)


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Last Modified: April 13, 2012
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