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Living and Working Overseas

“One of the most rewarding jobs imaginable.” Charlie, District Adjudications Officer


Charlie's career in the Federal government has given him a diverse range of experience. He works overseas as a District Adjudications Officer for USCIS.


Transfer Experience
USCIS offers job opportunities worldwide. Generally, following a brief orientation period at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington D.C., newly hired USCIS officers will serve an initial two year tour at a post overseas, with approved extensions of 1+1+1 for a total of 5 years. Once their duty is completed, they will be required to rotate back to the Continental United States.


Duties and Responsibilities
Charlie is proud of his accomplishments working to implement USCIS policy regionally as well as facilitating cross-border cooperation and communication between the U.S. and foreign governments.


Through extensive travel within the assigned region, he provides professional leadership and support to 12 Sub-offices located at embassies and consulates in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, and to the Foreign Service Nationals who are part of the USCIS team overseas. Charlie has demonstrated an aptitude for what he has called “one of the most rewarding jobs imaginable.”


Last updated:03/12/2008