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Teamwork, Community Outreach and Job Satisfaction

“You'll have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others, while preserving the security of our nation.” Peter, Officer in Charge


Peter is the Officer in Charge of the USCIS, Hong Kong Sub-office with an area of responsibility that spans across Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. A native of Washington, DC, Peter began his immigration career in San Francisco in 1996 where he served as an Immigration Inspector and Adjudications Officer. Subsequently, he transitioned to the Office of Field Operations at USCIS headquarters for a brief stint, and is currently serving at his overseas post.


Benefits of Working at USCIS
According to Peter, “the wide range of career possibilities [at USCIS] is tremendous. The work is personally enriching. You have the opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of others, while preserving the integrity of our immigration system and the security of our nation.”


The Overseas Experience
Peter identified the experience of serving as the Officer in Charge in Hong Kong as the highlight of his professional career. He went on to say, “In the course of my daily work, I interact with a wide range of colleagues at post, host government officials, and interface with community leaders throughout the region. My public outreach work has been particularly rewarding, whether it is assisting new immigrants in preparing for departure to the U.S., visiting orphanages, or educating expatriate communities about inter-country adoptions.”


The USCIS esprit de corps
Peter also feels that working at USCIS offers a unique environment high in morale. He feels that, “the very nature of our responsibilities [at USCIS] leads us to depend on our co-workers across multiple locations and job functions. Working collaboratively with others to tackle a difficult issue or helping someone through a complex situation has been personally fulfilling.”

Last updated:03/12/2008