U.S. Census Bureau
 Housing Patterns

Place Table Creation

To create a table, select one or more items in the Race/Ethnicity list, one or more items in the Place list, any number of items in the index list, and press the Get Table button. Data are available for places with 10 or more tracts, at least 10,000 in total population, and at least 100 in minority population for the group in question. The unit of analysis is the census tract. Note that indices may be displayed in columns or in rows. (Columns are easier to read and individual columns are sortable, but tables with a large number of selected indices may be too wide to print. Rows are preferable only when you need to print a wide table; individual columns are not sortable.) Note that there is a limit to the size of a generated table; see criteria for a table that is too large to display.

Race / EthnicityPlace
Display indices in Columns or Rows

After you have made your selections, then or

Criteria for a Table that is Too Large to Display

A table will be generated unless it is so large that it will take a browser an excessively long time to load. You may generate a smaller table or, from these linked pages, you may download the data for all places in text file or Excel file format. A table is "too large to display" if it meets any of the criteria below.

For tables with indices displayed in COLUMNs:

For tables with indices displayed in ROWs, a table will be created unless the total number of rows exceeds 1800. The number of rows will be the following number of selected items multiplied together:

  1. races/ethnicities
  2. places
  3. indices

Note that there are:

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Contact the Demographic Call Center Staff at 301-763-2422 or 1-866-758-1060 (toll free) or visit ask.census.gov for further information on Housing Patterns Data.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: July 28, 2006