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• Zeiss NVision 40

NIST CNST NanoFab Equipment
Focused Ion Beams

Certain commercial equipment, and software, are identified in this documentation to describe the subject adequately. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the NIST, nor does it imply that the equipment identified is necessarily the best available for the purpose.

These instruments combine a monochromated Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with a Tomahawk Focused Ion Beam column for fast, precise 2D and 3D characterization of samples ranging from the micro through nano scales.
  • SEM Resolution: sub-nanometer from 1-30kV
  • FIB Resolution: 2.5nm at 30kV
  • High-performance Secondary Ion Detector
  • Elstar in-lens detector (SE and BSE)
  • STEM detector with BF/DF/HAADF segments
  • Beam deceleration for 50 V effective landing voltage
  • 5-axis stage with 150mm XY range and full rotation for 6-inch wafers
  • High-efficiency Oxford Instruments X-Max 80mm2 SDD-EDS Detector
  • Kleindiek In-situ probe system for nanopositioning and electrical measurements
Gas Injection System (GIS) Chemistries:
  • Platinum Deposition
  • Gold Deposition
  • Carbon Deposition
  • Insulator Deposition
  • Selective Carbon Etch
  • Insulator Enhanced Etch
Applications: Nanometer scale patterning, 3D tomography, materials characterization, nanoprototyping, in-situ electrical measurement, TEM lamella preparation, failure analysis, circuit editing, compositional analysis/mapping

FEI Helios 650
These instruments combine a monochromated Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with a Tomahawk Focused Ion Beam column for fast, precise 2D and 3D characterization of samples ranging from the micro through nano scales.
  • SEM Resolution: sub-nanometer from 1-30kV
  • FIB Resolution: 2.5nm at 30kV
  • High-performance Secondary Ion Detector
  • Elstar in-lens detector (SE and BSE)
  • STEM detector with BF/DF/HAADF segments
  • Beam deceleration for 50 V effective landing voltage
  • 5-axis stage with 150mm XY range and full rotation for 6-inch wafers
  • High-efficiency Oxford Instruments X-Max 80mm2 SDD-EDS Detector
  • Kleindiek In-situ probe system for nanopositioning and electrical measurements
Gas Injection System (GIS) Chemistries:
  • Platinum Deposition
  • Gold Deposition
  • Carbon Deposition
  • Insulator Deposition
  • Selective Carbon Etch
  • Insulator Enhanced Etch
Applications: Nanometer scale patterning, 3D tomography, materials characterization, nanoprototyping, in-situ electrical measurement, TEM lamella preparation, failure analysis, circuit editing, compositional analysis/mapping

FEI Helios 650
This workstation combines Focused Ion Beam and Gemini Scanning Electron Microscope columns to enable the study of nanoscale-level materials and physical failure analysis in industrial production as well as state-of-the-art research in Nanotechnology, Materials and Life Sciences.
  • SEM Resolution: 1.1 nm @ 20kV, 2.5 nm @ 1kV
  • FIB Resolution: 4.0 nm @ 30kV
  • SEM Magnification: 30x – 900 kx
  • FIB Magnification: 475x – 500kx
  • Gas Injection : 4 Channel
    • Up to two different solid state precursors
    • Up to four different gaseous or liquid precursors
    • Wide range of precursors options including W, Pt, C, and silicon oxide insulator deposition
  • Detectors
    • In-column EsB and BSE
    • In-lens: SE detector
    • Chamber: Everhart Thornley type SE detector
  • Chamber
    • Two specimen exchange positions
    • 7 additional available ports for upgrade options
  • 3D Software for Image Reconstruction
Applications: Nanometer scale patterning and etching of materials, micromanipulation and TEM sample prep; can accommodate substrates from small pieces to 100 mm wafers.

Demonstrated use: Photonic crystals, MEMs, cross-sectioning of bilayer materials.

Focused Ion Beam - Zeiss NVision 40

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Online: February 2012
Last Updated: February 2012
