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Title: Vaccine for Preventing & Treating Fescue Toxicosis
See also: US Patent Office Full Record


Patent Number: 6117427
Docket Number: 21599
Serial Number: 8879864
Date Patented: 09/12/2000

Vaccine for Preventing & Treating Fescue Toxicosis

Technology Description:

ARS and the University of Georgia researchers have developed a vaccine for treating and preventing fescue toxicosis in grass-eating animals. Animals contract fescue toxicosis from eating tall fescue grass. Symptoms include lethargy, weight reduction, reduced milk production, and reduced reproductive efficiency, increased respiration rate, gangrenous lesions, and rough hair coats. About 90 percent of fescue grass is infected with a toxic fungus that causes fescue toxicosis. Fescue toxicosis causes major economic loses to the U.S. livestock industry.

The only way to prevent or treat the condition is to move animal herds into another pasture, or to feed them supplements. Currently, a vaccine for treating or preventing fescue toxicosis is not commercially available. This new vaccine protects animals for about 4 to 5 weeks.


Patent Number 6,117,427*, 'Vaccines and Methods for Preventing and Treating Fescue Toxicosis in Herbivores,' which issued September 12, 2000. 


John A. Stuedemann
J. Phil Campbell, Sr., Natural Resource
  Conservation Center
Watkinsville, GA  30677
Phone: (706) 769-5631 X247
   Fax:  (706) 769-8962

Nicholas S. Hill
Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
Athens, GA 30602

Frederick N. Thompson
Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
Athens, GA 30602

Donald L. Dawe
Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
Athens, GA 30602


*Continuation of Patent No. 5,718,900, which issued February 17, 1999.

Last Modified: 09/24/2012
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