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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Technology Transfer Staff
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Licensing Information
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The USDA, ARS, Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) grants licenses to qualified businesses and individuals who wish to commercialize inventions resulting from federally supported research performed at USDA laboratories and research locations.Companies interested in licensing USDA inventions can obtain a license application online or from an OTT licensing staff member.

Please read the instructions before completing the license application form.

Select from the following license application options:

Patents or Pending Patents

Plant Varieties
Biological Materials (e.g., hybridomas or microbial isolates)

Things to remember:

  • Applying for a license from USDA is not a bidding process.
  • License fees and royalties are negotiated on a case by case basis.
  • Licenses may be exclusive, nonexclusive, or partially exclusive, and foreign patent rights are available for licensing in some cases.
  • Licenses are negotiated pursuant to the policy and objectives set forth in 35 USC 207-209 and 37 CFR 404.

    Additional information can be obtained by contacting:

    June Blalock
    USDA, Agricultural Research Service
    Office of Technology Transfer
    5601 Sunnyside Avenue, Room 4-1159
    Beltsville, MD 20705-5131
    (301) 504-5989 / fax: (301) 504-5060
    E-mail: license@ars.usda.gov

    Janet Stockhausen
    USDA, Forest Service
    (608) 231-9502 / fax: (608) 231-9508
    E-mail: JStockhausen@fs.fed.us


    Technology Transfer Annual Reports
    Technology Transfer Generic Agreement Forms
    Scientific Publications (TekTran Database)
    Related Topics
    Forming Partnerships with ARS
    Technology Transfer Policies & Procedures
    U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
    What is RSS?
    Agricultural Technology Innovation Partnership Program (ATIP)
    ARS Plant Breeders Handbook
    Technology Alerts
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    Last Modified: 06/18/2012
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