Levin Floor Statement on Republican Default Bill

Jul 28, 2011

Ways and Means Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today made the following statement on the floor of the House of Representatives in opposition to the Republican Default Bill:



“This bill is not bipartisan. The vote will soon show that. This bill is not a compromise. It does not seek bipartisan common ground. Instead it is orchestrated only to find enough common ground among House Republican partisans.

“This bill does not reflect compromise. It would compromise indeed Medicare and Social Security. It forces massive cuts consistent with the ideological Republican budget that was unanimously opposed by Democrats.

“This bill does not promote certainty for our nation’s economy. Instead it brings more uncertainty for families facing major financial decisions; for businesses deciding whether to invest or hire; for markets unsure when the next shoe might drop.

“This bill is not balanced. Instead, it embraces the Republicans’ one dimensional mantra just again expressed by the chairman of our committee – no end to unjustified tax loopholes or tax breaks for the very wealthiest -- even as so many middle class families have been losing ground.

“In a few words, our nation’s economy and jobs are too much to risk on a bill that is a bridge to nowhere between our two houses.”