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Federal court librarians perform a full range of professional library technical and research services for Judiciary and public customers.

Working in either a circuit headquarters library or a branch library, librarians may

  • assist with the design and maintenance of a well-organized and professional library operation
  • provide research and reference services to judges, court personnel, and other clients
  • use both print and computer-based research resources and methods to compile legislative histories, bibliographies, and other specialized research guides
  • instruct library clientele how to perform library research
  • participate in local and nationwide library networks , maintaining professional contacts that support the range of research services they provide to judges and court staff
  • prepare library publications, including newsletters, and services guides
  • administer budgets, including the selection of library materials and services
  • develop, update, and maintain library websites, and
  • organize and provide convenient access to books, documents, and electronic resources

Knowledge of professional law librarian principles, practices, and resources is required. Customer service skills and ease with online systems and applications are essential. Librarians must have an advanced degree.