Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms

Spot a Stroke FAST - Stroke Warning Signs and Symptoms

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F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs of stroke. When you can spot the signs, you'll know that you need to call 9-1-1 for help right away. F.A.S.T. is:

FFace Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person's smile uneven?
AArm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
SSpeech Difficulty – Is speech slurred? Is the person unable to speak or hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like "The sky is blue." Is the sentence repeated correctly?
TTime to call 9-1-1 – If someone shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get the person to the hospital immediately. Check the time so you'll know when the first symptoms appeared.

Learn more stroke signs and symptoms >>>>

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