Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Map & Data Services

Please read the Data Disclaimer - not all BLM data is in GeoCommunicator and the data has not been verified.

GeoCommunicator provides Downloadable Data, and Map and Data Services:

  • Downloadable Data includes BLM Administrative areas and the Public Land Survey System township data.
  • Map Services include both ArcIMS Image and Feature Services, ArcGIS Services, and Web Mapping Services (WMS) that can be used with your local GIS.
  • Web Services include Web Services for Finding and Deriving the land description (township, range, section, aliquot) for an area, for Township GeoCoder, and for exporting survey-based coordinate data. These services are available for use in GeoCommunicator or for use by developers in other applications outside of GeoCommunicator.
  • Metadata provides information about the data.

Downloadable Data

Downloadable data is in File Geodatabase or shapefile format.

Downloadable Data Layers
Map Service
BLM Administrative Areas
(includes state, district, field office, and others)
Oil and Gas Lease Sale Parcels (Oil and Gas sale parcels with links to sale notice and state sale web site)
Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

Legacy and CadNSDI

Rangeland (BLM grazing allotments with links to live range allotment use and master reports from the Rangeland Administration System; wild horse & burro herd management areas and herd areas.) Grazing
WH&B Herd Areas
WH&B Herd Mgmt
Rights-of-Way (ROW) (Section 368 ROW Energy Corridors on BLM lands)
SITES (BLM abandoned mines)
SMA (BLM surface management agency lands including BLM lands, BLM national monuments, BLM national conservation areas, BLM wilderness areas, and BLM Bankhead Jones lands)
Solar (BLM Solar Study Zones)

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Map Services

Map Service The GeoCommunicator Map Services support ArcIMS, ArcGIS, REST, SOAP, WMS, KML.

    • ArcGIS Server Map Services Directory:
    • WMS connection (Surface Management Agency (SMA) example for BLM lands)
      Layer Name (layerid): 1,2,3,4,5,6
  • ArcIMS (ArcIMS (image and feature services), WMS)
    • ArcIMS URL (rangeland example): Server:, Service name: BLM_MAP_RANGELAND or BLM_FEATURE_RANGELAND
    • WMS connection (Rangeland example):

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Web Services

GeoCommunicator provides the following Web Services: Find and Derive Land Description (LD), Township GeoCoder, and Survey Exporter. The Web Services are provided on GeoCommunicator or they can be developed by anyone for use in other applications outside of GeoCommunicator using the web services. The web services can be used in your applications that consume these services using protocols such as SOAP and GeoRSS. The Web Services use the GeoCommunicator survey-based and non survey-based land descriptions. The land descriptions are in NAD83 Geographic. We provide an XML of the services and you develop the interface and connection to the service for your application.

Web Services for Developers | Using the web services on GeoCommunicator

Web Services For Developers - click the titles for a detailed description of the service:

Find Land Description Service Description: Find LD provides the ability to pass a land description (state, meridian, township, range, section, aliquot) and have the latitude and longitude returned for the coordinates defining the boundary of the shape. The coordinates can be used to draw the area on a map. Sample Data.

Derive Land Description Service Description: Derive LD provides the ability pass the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a shape (polygon) and have the land description (state,meridian, township, range, section, aliquot, lot) returned. Land Description formats used in the Derived web services. Sample Data.

Township Geocoder Service Description: The Township Geocoder provides the ability to pass the coordinates of a Latitude and Longitude (Lat/Long) and have the Township, Range and Section values returned in a file. Likewise, a textual land description formatted as state, meridian, township, range, section, aliquot can be passed and the value for the polygon centroid will be returned in Lat/Long format. There is also an option for bulk upload of a file containing a list of formatted Townships or Lat/Long values and have their respective Lat/long or Township values returned. This tool is useful for finding the land descriptions for well locations, pipelines, fires, etc. based on their lat/long location or for finding the coordinates of a land description for inputting into a gps or other device. For additional information, see the GeoCommunicator Township GeoCoder Web Service Method Parameters and Results document.

T/R/S to Lat/Long Examples:

HTTP Get Link test

Link to a BLM RANGE ALLOTMENT on an interactive map: Replace the Allotment Number in Red with any range allotment to bring up the Range allotment on the GeoCommunicator Map Viewer zoomed to the range allotment. If you want to see more information click on the Identify Tool and turn on additional Map layers.

Link to a BLM Wild Horse and Burro Management and Herd Areas on an interactive map: Replace the Allotment Number in Red with any USFS range allotment to bring up the USFS Range allotment on the GeoCommunicator Map Viewer zoomed to the range allotment. If you want to see more information click on the Identify Tool and turn on additional Map layers.

Survey Exporter Service Description- provides the ability to pass a textual land description formatted as state, meridian, township, range, section, aliquot and the values of the survey points, control points, and points/lines that make up the polygon are returned.

StreamSurvey Data Example:


General Overview of GeoCommunicator's Web Services

If you need help, please use the Contact Us.

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Using the Web Services on GeoCommunicator

On GeoCommunicator we have developed several tools that use these services as describe below. These tools are available in many of our map viewers.

Reference Documents
Web Services on GeoCommunicator Handout

Derive Land Description Derive Land Description (LD)

The Derive LD tool along with the Sketch Tool allows you to draw a box on the map using the sketch tool and then derive the land description of the polygon that was drawn. This can be used for getting the land description of a polygon for submitting an Expression of Interest or for adding the description to a document. The Identify returned from the Sketch tool or the Identify on Derive LD window will show you what other activities are occurring in the area of the polygon.

Find land description Find Land Description (LD)

Use the Find LD tool to enter in a land description (in State, meridian, township, range format) from a document or other instrument and have the polygon for the area drawn on the map. The lat/long coordinates are also returned. An easy township selection tool is provided to select the land description or cut and paste a formatted land description into the tool. The Identify on Find LD window will show you what other activities are occurring in the area of the polygon


Select GeoCoder from the home page. GeoCoder provides a way to enter in the state, meridian, township, range, and aliquot and have the lat/long of the centroid returned for the polygon. The tool also can accept a lat/long and have the land description returned. A file of either land descriptions or lat/long is also supported. This tool is useful for finding the land descriptions for well locations, pipelines, fires, etc. or for finding the coordinates of a land description for inputting into a gps or other device.

PLSS Download - Survey Exporter Web Service

Allows you to export BLM points, points/lines, or control points from the Public Land Survey System (PLSS) data (township, range, section) using the GeoCommunicator website - Land Survey Information System. BLM points are not available for alternate source data. Reliabilities are available in the coordinate data.

Survey Exporter can be accessed from the PLSS download map by using the 'Select Township' tool or by choosing the ‘State’ or ‘County’ tab when downloading PLSS data.

From the 'Cadastral Data Distribution' window, select the townships for the desired coordinates by checking the box in the ‘Points’ column for the desired townships. You can select up to 10 townships from the list for download.

Choose 'Export Survey Data' to start the process.

Survey Download Window

Township Point Selection from the Download Window


From the Survey Exporter Window, select the desired content and format. Click "Export to File" to create the file for downloading.

Supported formats are KML for loading into Google™ Earth, GPX for loading into GPS units, List format, and GeoRSS. The "All points and lines" option is only available in KML or GeoRSS formats.

Wait for a the exported file URL to get created. Select "Click to Download" to download the data.

Guide to using the survey coordinates in Google™ Map

Guide to using PLSS map services in Google™ Earth

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Survey Exporter window for selecting content and format

Survey Exporter Window Showing the Selection of Export Content and Format