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Federal Radon Action Plan

Federal Partners Release Scorecard

In June 2011, at the National Healthy Homes Conference in Denver, Colo., senior leaders from EPA and HUD announced the release of the Federal Radon Action Plan to reduce radon exposure in the housing the federal government owns or influences. (A separate non-government group is also working to increase action on radon, see www.radonleaders.org exiting EPA). Since June, the federal partners have been working together to implement the Plan. Although the Plan was just launched this past summer and most of the commitments have not been completed, the federal participants want to keep the public informed about progress. Thus, the federal partners have released a Federal Radon Action Plan Scorecard, a tool designed to display the current status of federal activity. For questions or comments on the Scorecard, send an email to radon@epa.gov

The Action Plan Scorecard

This scorecard shows the status on each commitment identified in the Action Plan and provides a target completion date. You can view progress in three different ways:

  • track status by agency,
  • track status by progress (green, yellow, or red circle), and
  • track status by the Action Plan Framework which groups actions by their primary intent to either demonstrate the importance of radon risk reduction, address finance and incentive issues to drive testing and mitigation or build demand for services from the professional nationwide industry.
red button - No Progress to Date
No progress to date
yellow button - On Track to Complete the Commitment by the Target Completion Date
On track to complete the commitment by the target completion date
green button - Completed

Beside each commitment is a green, yellow, or red circle.

These circles are status indicators and offer a simple and quick overview of progress as of January 10, 2012. The goal is to have all commitments move to yellow or green by the one-year anniversary in June 2012. We will frequently update the scorecard as commitments change in status.

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The Action Plan

The Action Plan aims to increase radon risk reduction in homes, schools and daycare facilities, as well as radon-resistant new construction. It contains both an array of current federal government actions to reduce radon risks and a series of new commitments for future action. To address the current reality of barriers to radon risk reduction the actions implemented through this effort will:

  • Demonstrate the importance, feasibility, and value of radon testing and mitigation.
  • Provide economic incentives to encourage those who have sufficient resources to test and mitigate, and provide direct support to reduce the risk for those who lack sufficient resources.
  • Build demand for services from the professional, nationwide radon services industry.
Federal Radon Action Plan

(PDF, 10 pp., 239 K)

With this Plan as a catalyst, industry and nonprofit ally organizations will be ready to build on and increase the impact of the ideas for action contained in the federal strategy. These complimentary efforts will create the demand needed for thousands of new jobs in the housing sector for radon testing, mitigation, and new construction.

Read the full text, "Protecting People and Families from Radon: A Federal Action Plan for Saving Lives (PDF)," (10 pp., 239 K, about PDF) to learn more about the federal government's strategic approach to reduce radon risk in the millions of homes, schools and daycare facilities that it influences.

Read the June 20, 2011 EPA Press Release.

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Federal Dialogue on Building Awareness on Radon

Listen to EPA and HUD's senior leaders talk about federal action on radon and ALA's call to raise national attention on radon and its risks.

Listen to the discussion.

(MP3, 0:45:51, 107.47 M)
(Transcript, 40 K)

Listen to the discussion highlights.

(MP3, 0:05:42, 13.4 M)
(Transcript, 7 K)

Participating Agencies

  • Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • Department of Defense (DOD)
  • Department of Energy (DOE)
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • General Services Administration (GSA)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Department of the Interior (DOI)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Key Milestones

Moving ForwardFederal agencies will continue to collaborate to deliver on commitments identified in the Action Plan by target completion dates.

  • June 2012 — One year anniversary
  • Jan. 2012 — Federal Radon Action Plan Scorecard released.
  • June 20, 2011 — The Federal Radon Action Plan formally announced at the National Healthy Homes Conference in Denver, Colo., June 20 to 23, 2011
  • June 10, 2011 — Senior leaders met again to finalize commitments and scope out the Plan's implementation phase.
  • May 6, 2011 — Senior leaders reconvened at the White House Council on Environmental Quality to reaffirm commitment to this effort and discuss key actions to reduce radon risk.
  • Nov. 30, 2010 — Federal agencies/departments met at the Federal Radon Summit in Washington, D.C. and agreed to collaborate on a Federal Radon Action Plan to address radon risk.
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