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Find information about daily air pollution The Science of Asthma Breathing smoke from wood-burning stoves and fireplaces csn cause asthma attacks. EPA's Aging Initiative Website

EPA's Coordinated Approach on Asthma
EPA promotes scientific understanding of environmental asthma triggers and ways to manage asthma in community settings through research, education and outreach. With federal, state and local partners, we are building the nation's capacity to control asthma and manage exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants linked to asthma. Our purpose is to build knowledge and awareness to improve the quality of life for millions of Americans with asthma.

About Asthma Asthma and Aging Asthma Forum Asthma Leadership Award Asthma Awareness Month Asthma in Schools Community-based Programs Health Providers Home Visits Mold Resources Science/Research Triggers Video and Audio Frequent Questions Wood Smoke AirNow En Español Indoor Air

Asthma in Schools Webinar: How to Form Strategic Collaborations to Improve Student Asthma Care

Join us for the Green Strides Strategic Collaboration for Effective Asthma Management in Schools webinar on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, from 2 - 3 p.m. EDT. Register Today! exiting EPA

National Environmental Asthma Leadership Awards

Each year, EPA honors exceptional health plans, health care providers and communities in action with this prestigious award. Read more about the Awards. Read about the 2012 award winners: L.A. Care Health Plan, Mission Children's Hospital, Connecticut Children's Medical Center and Michigan Department of Community Health.

A joint message from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the American Lung Association on asthma

Watch the Video

Asthma Awareness Month

EPA's Communities in Action Asthma Initiative supports local programs working to help people in their communities bring asthma under control. An important part of this Initiative is raising awareness that asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening chronic disease that can be controlled. Don't wait to take action - you can make every month Asthma Awareness Month.

Read the EPA Press Release: "EPA Works to Help the Nearly 26 Million Americans with Asthma/Highlights Asthma Awareness Month in May"

AirNow School Flag Program

AirNow School Flag Program

Be aware of daily air quality conditions. The US EPA offers a School Flag Program to raise awareness about air quality conditions by raising flags in front of schools during the week. This lets students, parents, school personnel and the community know what the level of air pollution is for that day, and whether they need to adjust their activities to reduce their exposure to air pollution to stay healthy. Find out more about the program, get resources and register for the program.

Learn more and register for the Webinar: The School Flag Program - Protecting Student's Health through Air Quality Awareness on September 19, 2012 from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT

Basic Information Asthma Triggers Gain Control Improving Health in Communities and Schools Asthma Awareness Partners/Related Links Español Frequent Questions Resources/Publications Indoor Air

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Asthma Community Network

Join today and become a partner in building and maintaining AsthmaCommunityNetwork.org. This online Network is designed for community-based asthma programs and organizations that sponsor them — including representatives of health plans and providers, government health and environmental agencies, nonprofits, coalitions, schools and more.

Find out about upcoming events; join the discussion form; connect with multimedia and resources, and much more. exiting EPA

Asthma Advocate, Chris Draft, Former NFL Linebacker, launches National Public Service Announcement in partnership with the EPA.

Find out more about The Chris Draft Family Foundation exiting EPA.

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