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    No Equal Justice: The Prison Litigation Reform Act in the United States

    Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Sep. 08, 2009

    Library ID

    • 023955


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    • 2009
    • 47 pages.

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    • No Equal Justice: The Prison Litigation Reform Act in the United States

    ANNOTATION: This report "examines three provisions of the PLRA [Prison Litigation Reform Act] -- the exhaustion requirement, the physical injury requirement, and the law's application to children - and their effect on prisoners' access to justice" (p. 4). Eleven sections comprise this publication: summary; recommendations; incarceration in the U.S.; the exhaustion requirement; the physical injury requirement; the PLRA's application to children; the PLRA's negative effect on prisoners' access to the courts; the PLRA violates human rights; and calls for reform.

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