DoDEA HQ Office of Communications

4800 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22350-1400

The DoDEA Communications Office initiates and manages DoDEA's communications and outreach efforts worldwide. The office coordinates press relations, internal information programs and communication with students, parents, teachers, school administrators and the public.

The HQ Communications Office:

Issues news releases and media advisories about DoDEA initiatives, employees and programs Produces video and television promotional and informational products marketed worldwide Maintains the DoDEA web site Designs printed promotional and informational material and graphic artwork to accompany publications, promotions and initiatives

For Immediate Release — May 5, 2011 | HQ
: DoDEA Educational Communications Officer | (703) 588-3260   •   : DoDEA Educational Communications Officer | (703) 588-3272

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA — May 5, 2011 — Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) student Kevin Burdge from Heidelberg High School in Heidelberg, Germany placed third at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) in Physics. Burdge, the son of Christine and Richard Burdge and a senior this year, entered the competition with his project "Holographically Computing the Entanglement Entropy of an Annulus in a Strongly Coupled Conformal Field Theory"

"Kevin proved his mastery of science at this level by scoring 5's on all the AP Science Exams before his junior year started, but he didn't stop there. Kevin is the sort of person who simply goes out looking for challenges to conquer - and conquers them," said Ray Smola, Physics Teacher, Heidelberg High School. "It has been an honor to see him grow into such a fine person."

JSHS awards were presented at the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force sponsored 49th National JSHS, held April 27- May 1, in San Diego, Ca. JSHS challenges students in grades 9-12 in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). Individual students compete for scholarships and recognition by presenting the results of their original research efforts before a panel of judges and an audience of their peers. Opportunities for hands-on workshops, panel discussions, career exploration, research lab visits and networking are planned.

JSHS is sponsored by the research arm of the Department of Defense (DoD) and administered in cooperation with nationwide colleges and universities. JSHS aims to prepare and support students to contribute as future scientists and engineers -- conducting STEM research on behalf of or directly for DoD, the Federal research laboratories, or for the greater good in advancing the nation's scientific and technological progress.

First place winners received a $12,000 scholarship. Second place recipients received $8,000 scholarships and those who placed third earned a $4000 scholarship. Additionally, all three categories of winning recipients were named as representatives to the London International Youth Science Forum, scheduled July 27 - August 10 at Imperial College, in London, England.

DoDEA plans, directs, coordinates, and manages pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education programs for DoD dependents who would otherwise not have access to a high-quality, public education. DoDEA schools are located in Europe, the Pacific, the United States, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also provides support and resources to Local Education Activities throughout the U.S. that serve children of military families.