U.S. Department of Justice

Washington State's Corrections Clearinghouse: A Comprehensive Approach to Offender Employment

Publication year: 1999 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

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  • Washington State's Corrections Clearinghouse: A Comprehensive Approach to Offender Employment

ANNOTATION: The Corrections Clearinghouse (CCH) provides a wide range of services to prison inmates. Direct services include vocational assessments, job preparation training, and employment assistance. CCH also provides brokering and coordination services. While CCH's mission includes the provision of services to prisons, it also works with juvenile facilities and promotes jail employment skills training. Eighty percent of CCH enrollees completed programs. Of Ex-Offender Work Orientation (Ex-O) Program participants, 59% found work, with 99% of these still employed after 15 days, and 20% achieving employment upgrades. Twenty-four percent of those who completed Vocational Opportunity Training and Education (VOTE) were still employed after 15 months, compared to 9% of the comparison group.

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