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National Technical Reports Library

The National Technical Reports Library fills a recognized void in access to a large collection of historical and current government technical reports that exists in many academic, public, government, and corporate libraries. Through NTRL, NTIS now provides a more comprehensive offering that delivers high-quality government technical content in all subject areas directly and seamlessly to the user's desktop.

A subscribing organization's students, faculty, staff and on-site library patrons may access the National Technical Reports Library for non-commercial use from Internet-connected organization-wide locations. Users at the subscribing organization may access NTRL from remote locations and branch or satellite facility through the organization's server. Annual subscription pricing is based on full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment or employees. Please see the order form for more information.

The National Technical Information Service acquires, indexes, abstracts, and archives the largest collection of U.S. government-sponsored technical reports in existence. The NTRL offers access to these authenticated government technical reports to libraries and technical information users.


Use the National Technical Reports Library to:


  • Stay informed of the latest government sponsored research results
  • Access government technical reports when you need them
  • Retrieve information that is difficult to find from any other source
  • Identify legacy research reports