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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Protected Resources
Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Marine Mammals
Marine Turtles
Marine & Anadromous Fish
Marine Invertebrates & Plants
Species of Concern
Threatened & Endangered Species
Critical Habitat Maps

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Marine/Anadromous Fish Species Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)

List of Fish Species under NMFS' Jurisdiction
(E = "endangered"; T = "threatened"; F = "foreign"; n/a = not applicable*)

Marine and Anadromous Fish (44 listed "species")

Species Year
Status Critical
  • Gulf of Maine

    original listing -

E final final
  • Gulf of Maine
2012 T no no
  • New York Bight
2012 E no no
  • Chesapeake Bay
2012 E no no
  • Carolina
2012 E no no
  • South Atlantic
2012 E no no
  • bocaccio (1 listed DPS)
    (Sebastes paucispinis)
  • Puget Sound/ Georgia Basin
2010 E no no
  • Puget Sound/ Georgia Basin
2010 T no no
1999** T final in process
1999** T final draft
1999** T final in process
1999** E final final
1999** T final final
1994** E final draft
1992** T final in process
1992** T final in process
1999** T final in process
1999** T final in process
1999** T final final


final in process
2005** T not yet proposed in process
2008 T final no
1997** T final in process
  • Southern DPS
2006 T final in process
1991 T final final
2011 E no no
  • Southern DPS
2010 T final no
1967 E n/a final
1999** T final final
1991** E final in process
  • U.S. portion of range
2003 E final final
2007 T in process no
1997** T final in process
1997** T final in process


final final
*** reinstated to endangered status per U.S. District Court decision in June 2007; reclassified to threatened [pdf] per U.S. District Court order in June 2009
1997** E final draft
1999** T final final
1998** T final in process
1999** T final in process
2000** T final in process
1997** T final in process
1998** T final draft
1979 E (F) n/a n/a
  • Puget Sound/ Georgia Basin
2010 T no no

* NOTE: Critical habitat and recovery plans are not required for foreign species; critical habitat is also not required for species listed prior to the 1978 ESA amendments that added critical habitat provisions.

** All Pacific salmonid listings were revisited in 2005 and 2006. Only the salmonids whose status changed as a result of the review will show the revised date; for all others, only the original listing date is shown. For more information on the listing history, please click on the link for each ESU/DPS.

Endangered and Threatened Marine Species

Updated: March 9, 2012

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