United States Election Assistance Comittee

Watch the Webcast!

EAC streams a live webcast for all public meetings, which are archived and available for viewing 24-hours a day in our webcast archive.


Register to Vote!

Use the National Mail Voter Registration Form to register to vote, update your registration information with a new name or address, or register with a political party.

Note: If you wish to vote absentee and are a uniformed service member or family member or a citizen living outside the U.S., contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program to register to vote.

Give Us Your Feedback

Share your feedback on EAC policy proposalsElection Resource Library materials, and OpenEAC activities. Give feedback on general issues, including the Web site, through our Contact Us page.

Military and Overseas Voters

EAC has several projects under way to assist states in serving military and overseas citizens who register and vote absentee under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Learn more

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September 2012 Events

August 2012
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September 2012
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October 2012
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September 13, 2012 EAC Roundtable - Veterans Voting this November
Event's details

September 13, 2012

09:00 AM - 12:30 PM

EAC will host a discussion on ways to improve access to voting for veterans. This is part of a yearlong series of EAC discussions on topics to prepare for the Presidential Election in November.


There are no events coming up.

October 15, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

October 15, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM

National Press Club of Washington
529 14th ST NW 13th Floor

(202) 662-7500

Commissioners will meet and hold a panel discussion to examine key issues facing election officials and journalists in reporting election results, particularly in competitive states. Some of the topics include: (1) voting systems technology; (2) non-traditional ballots such as provisional and absentee ballots and ballots of military and overseas citizens; (3) time and procedures for getting election results; (4) post-election issues such as recounts and audits; (5) time zones, and more.

October 07, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

October 07, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1225 New York Ave NW, Suite 150

(202) 566-3100

Commissioners will consider and vote on Draft EAC Guidance to States Regarding Material Changes to State Plans, consider and vote on the accreditation of CIBER, Inc. Commissioners will consider a Draft Working Group Policy [formally known as Draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials Regarding Spending of HAVA Funds]. Commissioners will discuss revisions to the advisory opinion process and consider other administrative matters.

September 18, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

September 18, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1225 New York Ave NW, Suite 150

(202) 566-3100

Commissioners will hold a workshop discussion on Preparing for Election Day 2008 and Empowering Voters, will consider Advisory Opinion 07-003-A and 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort. Commissioners will consider (1) a Draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (2) Proposed Administrative Regulations and receive an Update on Final Administrative Regulations, (3) adoption of the Alternative Voting Methods Study and (4) Best Practices on voting systems for Election Day.

September 11, 2008-September 15, 2008 Board of Advisors Meeting
Event's details

September 11, 2008-September 15, 2008

09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Board of Advisors Meeting

August 05, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

August 05, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1225 New York Ave NW, Suite 150

(202) 566-3100

Commissioners will hold a workshop discussion on Preparing for Election Day 2008 and Statewide Voter Registration Databases. Commissioners will consider and vote on whether to modify Advisory Opinion 07-003-A, 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort. Commissioners will consider (1) a Draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (2) Draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials, and (3) Proposed Administrative Regulations.

August 04, 2008-August 08, 2008 Board of Advisors Meeting
Event's details

August 04, 2008-August 08, 2008

09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Board of Advisors

July 21, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

July 21, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1225 New York Ave NW, Suite 150

(202) 566-3100

The Commissioners will consider Advisory Opinion 07-003-A and 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort, (2) Adoption of EAC Laboratory Accreditation Program Manual, (3) draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials Regarding Spending of HAVA Funds, (4) Draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (5) draft changes to the TGDC Charter, (6) updating LA, MI, VT state instructions on the national voter registration form, and (6) other administrative matters.

June 19, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

June 19, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1225 New York Ave, Suite 150

(202) 566-3100

The Commissioners will consider (1) Advisory Opinion 07-003-A and 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort, (2) adopting EAC Draft Chapters of the Election Management Guidelines Project, (3) Draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials Regarding Spending of HAVA Funds, (4) draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (5) draft Policy regarding Allocable Cost Principles for HAVA Funding, (6) updating the MD, MI, LA state instructions on the national form.

June 17, 2008-June 18, 2008 Board of Advisors Meeting
Event's details

June 17, 2008-June 18, 2008

10:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington ,DC


Board of Advisors Meeting

May 22, 2008 Public Meeting
Event's details

May 22, 2008

2008 public meeting thumbnail 64x64
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1225 New York Ave NW, Suite 150

(202) 566-3100

The Commissioners will consider updating MI and LA state instructions on the national voter registration form, (2) adopting the Voter Hotline Study Report and the First Time Voter Study Report, (3) Advisory Opinion 07-003-A regarding Maintenance of Effort (MOE) funding, pursuant to HAVA Section 254 (a) (7). Comments will be taken from members of the public who have registered to speak regarding whether to modify Advisory Opinion 07-003-A.