United States Election Assistance Comittee

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Note: If you wish to vote absentee and are a uniformed service member or family member or a citizen living outside the U.S., contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program to register to vote.

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Military and Overseas Voters

EAC has several projects under way to assist states in serving military and overseas citizens who register and vote absentee under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Learn more

VIEW: summary | month | week | day | details
June 2009
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Tuesday, June 02, 2009 - Thursday, June 04, 2009

Board of Advisors Meeting

08:00 AM - 12:00 PM Hamilton Crowne Plaza Hotel, Oasis Room at the Sphinx Club
1315 K Street
Washington , DC, 20005


Topics: Prime III Voting System Developmental Research Project, Testing and Certification Program, UOCAVA Voting Systems, Comments on Election of Operation Assessment, EAC Strategic Plan 2009-2014, Election Day Data Grants, Proposed Changes to 2005 VVSG

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Board of Advisors, as required by the Help America Vote Act of 2002, will meet to receive updates on EAC program activities. The Board will receive updates on comments received regarding the Elections Operation Assessment Project. The Board will receive updates on the proposed next iteration of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. The Board will discuss proposed updates and improvements to the 2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. The Board will discuss and consider a committee recommendation on the proposed Draft EAC Report to Congress on Election Day Data Grants Program. The Board will hear committee reports, elect officers and consider other administrative matters.

Participants: LuAnn Adams, Thomas Bush, Robin Carnahan (by proxy), Pedro Cortes, Bill Cowles, Joseph Crangle, Keith Cunningham, Jim Dickson, Craig Donsanto, Libby Ensley, Tom Fuentes, Ron Gardner, Ernie Hawkins (by proxy), Terri Hegarty, Gary Herbert, Mary Herrera, Philip Jenkins, Sarah Ball Johnson, Donald Jones, Neal Kelley, Linda Lamone, Sue Landske, Doug Lewis, Arlan Melendez, Chris Nelson, Helen Purcell, Thomas Upton Reynolds, Todd Rokita, Barbara Simons, Abigail Thernstrom, Chris Thomas

Votes: 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Adopt Resolution including 5 Recommendations to Improve Efficency of BOA Meetings; 29-2 (Carried) Motion to Adopt Committee's 4 Recommendations on the Election Operations Assessment; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Concur with the Proposed Election Data Collection Grant Program Evaluation Report; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Adopt the Committee's Recommendations on the 2005 VVSG Update and name it Version 3.1; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Include "non-visual access" in 2005 VVSG; Unknown Number (Failed) Motion to Change VVSG Date from 01/01/2013 to 01/01/2013; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Adopt Recommendations to VVSG with the 01/01/2013 date; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Amend Current VVSG Section 3.3.4-c; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Adopt Various Amendments to VVSG; 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Amend VVSG Sections 3.3.4 (b) and (c); 31-0 (Carried) Motion to Adopt Voting System Standards Committee Proposed Changes to VVSG

Export to Outlook Related Events: Documents:
Sunshine Notice
Transcript - June 2nd
Transcript - June 3rd
Transcript - June 4th
Resolutions 2008-1 to 2008-6
2007 Resolutions
EAC Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2009 to 2014
Juan Gilbert and Prime II Presentation
Draft Election Data Grant Program Eval Report
Executive Director Report
Draft Election Data Grant Program Eval Pres