Milestones in the Tunisian Transition

Press Statement
Victoria Nuland
Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 20, 2011


The United States congratulates the people of Tunisia for achieving another critical step in their transition in selecting three key leadership positions: Speaker of the Constituent Assembly, President of the Republic, and Prime Minister of Tunisia. To mark this progress, President Obama and Secretary Clinton called Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali and President Moncef Marzouki, respectively, to reiterate the U.S. Government’s commitment to work with the people and Government of Tunisia as they continue their collective efforts towards a peaceful, prosperous and democratic future. The United States will continue to stand with and support the people of Tunisia and those across the region as they work to achieve their universal rights and embark on the brave and necessary work of democratic reform.

Tunisia’s leaders take office as we acknowledge the one-year anniversary of Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation on December 17, which inspired the Tunisian people to take to the streets in protest. Mr. Bouazizi’s actions were spurred by a demand for dignity and opportunity that had been denied to him and so many others. We mourn the people who lost their lives in the struggle for freedom in Tunisia and other countries and stand with the courageous people of the region as they continue to work for democratic governments that will fulfill their aspirations and respect their rights.

PRN: 2011/2177


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