Update on the Detention Situation of Prisoners Sub-Saharan Descent in Libya

Taken Question
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
October 17, 2011


Question: Please provide an update on the detention situation of prisoners of Sub-Saharan descent in Libya.

Answer: We remain concerned that sub-Saharan migrants are still being detained based apparently on their skin color and an assumption that they have supported Qadhafi. Moreover, we remain troubled by reports of their treatment while in detention. We urge the TNC to honor its stated commitment to the rule of law and respect for the universal human rights of all people in Libya. We will continue to engage the TNC on this issue moving forward.

Additionally, we remain very concerned about the fate of the civilians, non-combatants and detainees in Sirte. We call on all parties to avoid civilian casualties, to treat prisoners in accordance with International Humanitarian Law, and to refrain from all acts of retribution.

PRN: 2011/1745


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