Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources

The Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Thomas R. Nides, serves as Chief Operating Officer of the Department. He also serves as principal adviser to the Secretary on over-all supervision and direction of resource allocation and management activities of the Department. The Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources assists in carrying out the Secretary's authority and responsibility for the overall direction, coordination and supervision of operational programs of the State Department, including foreign aid and civilian response programs.

In addition, the Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources advises the Secretary on the Department's participation in the National Economic Council (NEC) and interagency economic policy matters. He also assists the Secretary in representing the United States at international meetings, in performing other representational assignments, and in presenting the Department's position before Congress.

The Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources also provides final recommendations to the Secretary on senior personnel appointments. The Director of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) reports directly to the Deputy Secretary on small business policies and activities.

U.S-Europe Relationship

Date: 05/31/2012 Description: Deputy Nides gives keynote remarks to the third annual Wroclaw Global Forum in Wroclaw, Poland - May 31, 2012. - State Dept ImageDeputy Secretary Nides (May 31): "In our diplomacy, the United States and Europe have never been more closely aligned. We united and held together an unprecedented coalition on Libya. We remain united in efforts to sharpen the choice facing Iran’s leaders—and we are working side by side on both tracks of pressure and engagement. We are united in our support for the Syrian people, who deserve an end to violence and the start of a political transition. We are united in our efforts to finish the business of building a Europe whole, free, and at peace." Full Text»


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