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Layne G. Adams

Title: Research Wildlife Biologist
Address: 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4626
Phone: (907) 786-7159
Fax: (907) 786-7021

Image of Layne G. Adams

Education and/or Training

Ph.D.1996University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MNWildlife Conservation
M.S.1981Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, COWildlife Biology
B.S.1975Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, COWildlife Biology

Areas of Specialization and/or Research Interests

Population biology and predator/prey relationships of Alaskan large mammals.

Professional Experience

1993 - PresentResearch Wildlife Biologist USGS, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska
1997- PresentAffiliate Professor, Dept. of Biology and Wildlife University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska
1985 - 1993 Regional Research Wildlife Biologist, US National Park Service, Anchorage, Alaska
1980 - 1985Wildlife Management Biologist, Bureau of Land Management, Fairbanks, Alaska

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

IUCN Species Survival Commission, Wolf Specialist Group
The Wildlife Society
Arctic Institute of North America
American Society of Mammalogists

Significant Recent Publications

Roffler, G. H., L. G. Adams, S. L. Talbot, G. K. Sage, and B. W. Dale. 2012. Range overlap and individual movements during breeding season influence genetic relationships of caribou herds in southcentral Alaska. Journal of Mammology, In Press.

Gustine, D. D., P. S. Barboza, L. G. Adams, J. P. Lawler, S. Arthur, K. L. Parker, and B. Shults. 2012. Diversity of nitrogen isotopes and correlates of protein status in caribou: Implications for monitoring northern ungulates. Journal of Mammalogy 93:778-790.

Gustine, D. D., P. S. Barboza, J. P. Lawler, S. Arthur, B. Shults, K. Persons, and L. G. Adams. 2011. Characteristics of foraging sites and protein status in wintering muskoxen: insights from isotopes of nitrogen. Oikos 120:1546-1556. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19215.x

Gustine, D. D., P. S. Barboza, L. G. Adams, and R. Farnell. 2011. An isotopic approach to measuring nitrogen balance in caribou. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:178-188. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.11

Collins, W. B, B. W. Dale, L. G. Adams, D. E. McElwain, and K. Joly. 2011. Fire, grazing history, lichen abundance and winter distribution of caribou in Alaska's taiga. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:369-377.

Adams, L. G., S. D. Farley, C. A. Stricker, D. J. Demma, G. H. Roffler, D. C. Miller, and R. O. Rye. 2010. Are inland wolf-ungulate systems influenced by marine subsidies of Pacific salmon? Ecological Applications 20:251-262.

Belant, J. L., B. Griffith, Y. Zhang, E. H. Follmann, and L. G. Adams. 2010. Population-level resource selection by sympatric brown and American black bears in Alaska. Polar Biology 33:31-40.

McIntyre, C. L., D. C. Douglas, and L. G. Adams. 2009. Movements of juvenile gyrfalcons from western and interior Alaska following departure from their natal areas. Journal of Raptor Research 43:99-109.

Dale, B. W., L. G. Adams, W. B. Collins, K. Joly, P. Valkenburg, and R. Toby. 2008. Stochastic and compensatory effects limit persistence of variation in body mass of young caribou. Journal of Mammalogy 89(5):1130-35.

Adams, L. G., R. O. Stephenson, B. W. Dale, R. T. Ahgook, and D. J. Demma. 2008. Population dynamics and harvest characteristics of wolves in the central Brooks Range, Alaska. Wildlife Monographs 170:1-25.

Boertje, R. D., K. A. Kellie, C. T. Seaton, M. A. Keech, D. D. Young, L. G. Adams, and A. R. Aderman. 2007. Ranking Alaska moose nutrition: Signals to begin liberal anterless harvests. Journal of Wildlife Management. 71:1494-1506.

Belant, J. L., K. Kielland, E. H. Follmann, and L. G. Adams. 2006. Interspecific resource partitioning in sympatric Ursids. Ecological Applications 16(6):2333-2343.

Meier, T., J. Burch, and L. G. Adams. 2006. Tracking the movements of Denali’s wolves. Alaska Park Science 5(1):30-35.

Adams, L. G., T. Meier, P. Owens, and G. H. Roffler. 2006. Interrelationships of Denali’s large mammal community. Alaska Park Science 5(1):36-40.

Rupp, S., M. Olson, L. G. Adams, B. W. Dale, K. Joly, J. Henkelman, W. B. Collins, and A. M. Starfield. 2006. Simulating the influences of a changing fire regime on caribou winter habitat. Ecological Applications. 16:1730-1743.

Udevitz, M. S., B. Shults, L. G. Adams, and C. Kleckner. 2006. Evaluation of aerial survey methods for Dall sheep in Alaska. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34:732-740

Burch, J. W., L. G. Adams, E. H. Follmann, and E.A. Rexstad. Evaluation of wolf density estimation from radiotelemetry data. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(4):1225-1235.

Adams, L. G., B. W. Dale, and G. H. Roffler. Extraordinary movements of the Denali Caribou Herd following the perfect storm. Rangifer Special Issue 16:19-25.

Adams, L. G. 2005. Effects of maternal characteristics and climatic variation on birth masses of Alaskan caribou. Journal of Mammalogy 86(3):506-513.

Joly, K., B. W. Dale, W. B. Collins, and L. G. Adams. 2003. Winter habitat use by female caribou in relation to wildland fires in interior Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:1192-1201.

L. G. Adams. 2003. Marrow fat deposition and skeletal growth in caribou calves. Journal of Wildlife Management. 67(1):20-24.

Joly, K., L. G. Adams, B. W. Dale, and W. B. Collins. 2002. Evaluating the impacts of wildland fires on caribou in interior Alaska. Pages 63-67 in Myers, C.E., and J.R. Hough (eds.). Arctic research of the United States, volume 16. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia.

Kleckner,C., M. S. Udevitz, L. G. Adams, and B. S. Shults. 2002. Demography of Dall's sheep in northwestern Alaska. Pages 68-73 in Myers, C.E., and J.R. Hough (eds.). Arctic research of the United States, volume 16. Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia.

Ben-David, M., E. Shochat, and L. G. Adams. 2001. The utility of stable isotope analysis in studying foraging ecology of herbivores: Examples from moose and caribou. Alces. 37(2):421-434.

Zarnke, R. L., J. Evermann, J. M. Ver Hoef, M. E. McNay, R. D. Boertje, C. L. Gardner, L. G. Adams, B. W. Dale, and J. Burch. 2001. Serologic survey for canine coronavirus in wolves from interior Alaska, 1994-1999. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 37(4):740-745.

McIntyre, C. L., and L. G. Adams. 1999. Reproductive characteristics of migratory golden eagles in Denali National Park, Alaska. Condor 101:1115-1123.

Mech, L. D., and L. G. Adams. 1999. Killing of a muskox, Ovibos moschatus, by two wolves, Canis lupus, and subsequent caching. Canadian Field-Naturalist 113(4):673-675.

Merrill, S. B., L. G. Adams, M. E. Nelson, and L. D. Mech. 1998. Testing releasable GPS radiocollars on wolves and white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26(4):830-835.

Adams, L. G., and B. W. Dale. 1998. Reproductive performance of female Alaskan caribou. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:1184-1195.

Adams, L.G., and B.W. Dale. 1998. Timing and synchrony of parturition in Alaskan caribou. Journal of Mammalogy 79(1):287-294.

Constable, P., K. Hinchcliff, N. Demma, M. Callahan, B. Dale, K. Fox, L. G. Adams, R. Wack, and L. Kramer. 1998. Electrocardiographic consequences of a peripatetic lifestyle in gray wolves (Canis lupus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 120:557-563.

Constable, P., K. Hinchcliff, N. Demma, M. Callahan, B. Dale, K. Fox, L. G. Adams, R. Wack, and L. Kramer. 1998. Serum biochemistry of captive and free-ranging gray wolves (Canis lupus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 29:435-440.

Mech, L. D., L. G. Adams, T. J. Meier, J. W. Burch, and B. W. Dale. 1998. The wolves of Denali. University of Minnesota Press. 238pp.

Smith, D., T. J. Meier, E. Geffen, L. D. Mech, J. W. Burch, L. G. Adams, and R. K. Wayne. 1997. Is incest common in wolf packs? Behavioral Ecology 8:384-391.

Haufler, J. B., L. G. Adams, J. A. Bailey, R. G. Brocke, M. J. Conroy, G. Joslin, and K. G. Smith. 1996. Wildlife management in North American wilderness. Wildlife Society Technical Review 96-1. 23pp.

Adams, L. G., B. W. Dale, and L. D. Mech. 1995. Wolf predation on caribou calves in Denali National Park, Alaska. Pages 245-260 in L. N. Carbyn, S. H. Fritts, and D. R. Seip, eds. Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world: Proceedings of the second North American symposium on wolves. Canadian Circumpolar Institute Occasional Paper 35, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 642pp.

Adams, L. G., and L. D. Mech. 1995. Population trends of wolves and caribou in Denali National Park, Alaska. Pages 347-348 in E. T. LaRoe, G. S. Farris, C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M.J . Mac, eds. Our living resources: A report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals and ecosystems. U.S. Department of Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, DC. 530pp.

Adams, L. G., F. J. Singer, and B. W. Dale. 1995. Caribou calf mortality in Denali National Park, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:584-594.

Dale, B. W., L. G. Adams, and R. T. Bowyer. 1995. Winter wolf predation in a multiple ungulate prey system, Gates of the Arctic National Park, Alaska. Pages 223-230 in L. N. Carbyn, S. H. Fritts, and D. R. Seip, eds. Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world: Proceedings of the second North American symposium on wolves. Canadian Circumpolar Institute Occasional Paper 35, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 642pp.

Mech, L. D., T. J. Meier, J. W. Burch, and L. G. Adams. 1995. Patterns of prey selection by wolves in Denali National Park, Alaska. Pages 231-244 in L. N. Carbyn, S. H. Fritts, and D. R. Seip, eds. Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world: Proceedings of the second North American symposium on wolves. Canadian Circumpolar Institute Occasional Paper 35, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 642pp.

Meier, T. J., J. W. Burch, L. D. Mech, and L. G. Adams. 1995. Pack structure and genetic relatedness among wolf packs in a naturally regulated population. Pages 293-302 in L. N. Carbyn, S. H. Fritts, and D. R. Seip, eds. Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world: Proceedings of the second North American symposium on wolves. Canadian Circumpolar Institute Occasional Paper 35, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 642pp.

Dale, B. W., L. G. Adams, and R. T. Bowyer. 1994. Functional response of wolves preying on barren-ground caribou in a multiple-prey system. Journal of Animal Ecology 63:644-652.

Davis, J. L., L. G. Adams, P. Valkenburg, and D. J. Reed. 1991. The relationship between caribou body weight and age and cohort specific reproduction. Pages 115-142 in Butler, C. E. and S. P. Mahoney, eds. Proceedings of the Fourth North American Caribou Workshop, Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Division. St. Johns's, Newfoundland. 529pp.

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