UN Human Rights Council

The deep commitment of the United States to championing the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is driven by the founding values of our nation and the conviction that international peace, security, and prosperity are strengthened when human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected and protected. As the United States seeks to advance human rights and fundamental freedoms around the world, we do so cognizant of our own commitment to live up to our ideals at home and to meet our international human rights obligations. In support of the United States candidacy for membership in the UN Human Rights Council the United States makes the following pledges:

Commitment to Advancing Human Rights in the UN System;
Commitment to Continue to Support Human Rights Activities in the UN
Commitment to Advancing Human Rights, Fundamental Freedoms and Human Dignity and Prosperity Internationally;
Commitment to Advancing Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the United States.

As outlined here: U.S. Human Rights Commitments and Pledges


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