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Bureaus/Offices Reporting Directly to the Secretary
Deputy Secretary of State
Bureau of Resource Management
International Affairs Budget
 - FY 2009
 - FY 2008
 - FY 2007
 - FY 2006
 - FY 2005
 - FY 2004
 - FY 2003
 - FY 2002

Resource Management - International Affairs Budget

The International Affairs budget (also referred to as Function 150 of the Federal budget) provides the funding to carry out U.S. foreign policy. This funding supports the worldwide operations of the Department of State, maintaining effective American representation at embassies and posts in foreign countries, as well as the operations of the U.S. Agency for International Development. This funding also supports a broad array of foreign assistance programs and other U.S. Government activities to achieve foreign policy priorities. The formulation and implementation of funding requests are closely related to the Department's and USAID's planning and performance process.

FY 2009 Budget Material:
-- The annual Summary and Highlights of the International Affairs Budget (Function 150) presents an overview of the total funding requested from four appropriations subcommittees for the programs and activities of the International Affairs budget.
-- The annual Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations details the funding requested as part of the International Affairs budget for various departments' and agencies' Foreign Operations programs and activities. 
--The annual Budget in Brief presents an overview of the FY 2009 budget request for Department of State appropriations. Its sections include a budget summary and tables, as well as specific resource requirements for programs, activities, and management initiatives.
-- The annual Congressional Budget Justification for Department of State appropriations details the funding requested for people, security, facilities, information technology, and management reform.
-- The Department of State/USAID Joint Highlights summarizes high-level budget, performance, and financial information. It includes representative performance indicators from the Congressional Budget Justifications for both the Department and Foreign Operations.
-- February 4, 2008 briefing on FY 2009 State and Foreign Operations Budget Submission.
-- February 4, 2008 fact sheet on "International Affairs FY 2009 Budget."
-- Secretary Rice's testimony: April 15; April 9; March 12; Feb. 13 - Senate, House.

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