
Past Events:

July 25-26, 2012
2012 Global Diaspora Forum: The second annual Global Diaspora Forum was a two-day celebration of America’s diaspora communities. The gathering challenged diaspora communities to create new partnerships with the private sector, civil society, and public institutions in order to make their engagements with their countries of origin or ancestry effective, scalable, and sustainable. Website»

June 4, 2012
Uncommon Alliances: A one-day gathering for the initiated and as yet-to-be initiated partnership builders to explore the ins and outs of creating alliances, talk about techniques for overcoming hurdles, and focus on emerging trends in the partnership community. Website»

April 26-27, 2012
Global Impact Economy Forum: A gathering of over 400 high-level investors, business executives, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, academics, and policymakers to discuss how to create greater coordination, collaboration, and efficiency in the emerging impact investing and inclusive business industries. Website»

November 15, 2011
Tunisia Partnerships Forum: Over 200 participants attended this Forum, which sought to create revenue-generating deals that will benefit both Americans and Tunisians by fostering job creation and economic opportunity. Website»

May 17-19, 2011
2011 Global Diaspora Forum: The inaugural, three-day Global Diaspora Forum hosted by Secretary Clinton in May 2011, brought together over 500 diaspora leaders from across the world to acknowledge the tremendous work these communities are doing in their countries of origin or heritage, to facilitate learning among these communities, and to forge partnerships with U.S. government agencies and the private sector. Website»

May-October 2010
U.S.A. Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo: The U.S.A. Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo welcomed visitors from around the world. The Pavilion was the result of a public-private partnership between the U.S. Government, China, and the private sector. Website»

June 3, 2009
TED@State: The inaugural event for S/GPI, TED@State brought together five TEDTalks stars — Clay Shirky, Paul Collier, Jacqueline Novogratz, Stewart Brand, and Hans Rosling — to share insight and new ideas. Website»


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