Office of Verification and Transparency Technologies (AVC/VTT)

“The nuclear arms control agenda holds opportunities and challenges ahead. The monitoring, transparency, and verification challenges alone are daunting, but we have talent available to address those challenges that is also quite formidable and a welcome partnership with the scientific community in the U.S., Russia and elsewhere to tackle these challenges.”

-- Assistant Secretary Rose Gottemoeller
Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations
January 13, 2011

What is VTT?

The Office of Verification and Transparency Technologies (VTT) leads the Bureau in identifying technological solutions for verification and compliance issues for current and future arms control challenges, thereby enabling policy choices. This includes coordinating the National Technical Means (NTM) that detect the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery and developing analytical assessments based on data acquired from a wide variety of sensor programs on WMD and the means of their delivery to support verification and compliance objectives. VTT also co-chairs the interagency Nonproliferation and Arms Control Technology Working Group (NPAC TWG), manages the Key Verification Assets Fund (V Fund) for the Bureau, administers the Foster Fellowship Program, coordinates the Department’s input to the Counterproliferation Program Review Committee (CPRC) annual report to Congress, and engaging the national laboratories to promote linkages between policy and research & development investment. Additionally, VTT supports the Assistant Secretary’s responsibilities as the principal policy liaison to the Intelligence Community (IC) on all arms control, verification and compliance matters. VTT is a hotbed of science and technology expertise, taking advantage of the Department’s multiple fellowship opportunities by bringing in scientists through the Foster Fellowship, Franklin Fellowship, AAAS Fellowship, and Jefferson Science Fellowship Programs. For more information on VTT’s work, see our Mission Statement

What We Have Been Doing

Call for Proposals for Arms Control Technologies

The Office of Verification and Transparency Technologies is seeking ambitious, innovative research proposals to address requirements outlined in the Unclassified Verification Technology Research and Development Needs Document.

We are inviting researchers and project managers to submit white papers for sustaining, researching, developing, or acquiring technologies or programs relating to the verification of chemical, biological, nuclear and missiles arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements or commitments.

For more information about this opportunity, please click here.

We look forward to seeing your ideas.


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