Welcome to the Nuclear Risk Reduction Center (NRRC)

Confidence Building through Information Exchange

U.S. NRRC Emblem

"The U.S. NRRC will provide a permanent, rapid, reliable, and private means by which the United States and the Soviet Union may transmit notifications agreed between two Parties, including those required under certain existing and possible future arms control and confidence-building agreements." -- National Security Decision Directive, (NSDD-301), February 22, 1988

"... another practical step in our [two nations'] efforts to reduce the risks of conflict ..." -- President Ronald Reagan, September 15, 1987

What is the NRRC?

The U.S. Nuclear Risk Reduction Center operates the United States' communications links used to exchange information with foreign governments in support of arms control treaties and security-building agreements. The NRRC is a unique organization staffed by the Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance (AVC/NRRC) within the Department of State (DOS) and is located in the Harry S Truman building. When it began operations on April 1, 1988, it operated a single direct government-to-government communications link (GGCL) with its U.S.S.R. counterpart, located in Moscow in the Ministry of Defense. Since then, the U.S. NRRC's role has expanded to include a number of other international communications links, both bilateral and multilateral, dealing with approximately 15 different nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms control treaties and security-building agreements.


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