Carl B. Knoblock

District Director
Picture of Carl B. Knoblock, District Director

As the District Director, Carl carries out the SBA mission. The SBA mission is to help small businesses.While helping small businesses, he has a second mission of economic development in Western Pennsylvania. Benjamin Disraeli stated “A person is only truly great when he acts from his passions.” Carl has a deep passion to help small businesses succeed and create economic development in the region.

We accomplish our mission by using SBA programs: government contracting, guarantor of loans, advocacy, disaster assistance, and technical assistance.

Carl was born in Glendale, Arizona. He traveled extensively throughout his childhood because his father made a career in the U.S. Air Force. He is a graduate of Ball State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology and Masters’ degree in Health Science. In addition, he brings a diverse background having been involved in many different industries and businesses.

He served in the U.S. Navy and is a disabled veteran. He helped develop the asbestos abatement training program for the State of Delaware.

He started his own small business an environmental consulting firm. He specialized in chemical and biological issues and energy efficiency. Carl is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). Eventually, he left the environmental consulting business so he could spend more time as a foster parent. He found foster parenting a deeply rewarding experience.

He went to work at a small polymer manufacturing company. He understands what it means to wear multiple hats in a small organization. During his tenure, he handled the following duties: general manager, regulatory affairs manager, human resources, information systems management, research and development, and international marketing. In addition, he acquired ISO 9000:2000 registration for the company.

Carl is a strong supporter of youth entrepreneurship. Gloria Swanson stated “Never is a long, unpredictable time, and life is too full of rich possibilities to have restrictions placed upon it.” Carl sees youth like this and they are the positive change agents of the future .

Gandhi stated “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Carl sees the strength in Western Pennsylvania and looks forward of being part of the change.

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