Edward J. Cadena

District Director
Picture of Edward J. Cadena, District Director

Edward Cadena is the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Nevada District Director. He is responsible for the management and delivery of SBA financial and business development programs, targeting the small business community in all northern, southern and rural regions of Nevada – the 7th largest of the 50 states with an expanse of over 110,000 square miles.

Mr. Cadena joined SBA’s New Mexico District Office in Albuquerque as its Deputy District Director in 1997 and served as its Acting District Director from 1999 to 2002. His responsibilities included managing the delivery of SBA’s financial assistance, management counseling and business development programs for the State of New Mexico. In addition, he was Chief of Finance for New Mexico’s SBA District Office.

Mr. Cadena held the post of Acting District Director of the Lubbock, Texas District Office prior to his appointment as District Director for Nevada, where he currently leads the Nevada SBA team.

Before joining the SBA, Mr. Cadena was employed for 18 years with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Resolution Trust Corporation (FDIC/RTC). During his tenure with the FDIC/RTC he worked in the Division of Supervision and the Division of Liquidation.

He held several positions with FDIC/RTC including Assistant Managing Liquidator-Credit for the Anchorage, Alaska Consolidated Office; Regional Manager-Administration; Associate Director-Administration and Operations; Assistant Regional Manager-Closed Bank Administration, and Department Head-Credit for the Western Service Center in Irvine, CA.

Edward Cadena is a graduate of New Mexico State University at Las Cruces, where he earned a degree in Finance. He and his wife, Dee Anne are the parents of two sons.

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