Jonathan I. Carver

Associate Administrator

Jon Carver has over eighteen years of public sector financial management experience. Jon is currently employed as the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), Associate Administrator for Performance Management and Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO) at the United States Small Business Administration (SBA). During his tenure at the SBA, the agency has achieved an unqualified audit opinion and received the AGA’s prestigious Certificate in Excellence in Accountability Reporting. Over the last year, Jon led the transition of the agency’s procurement function to the OCFO to institutionalize greater financial transparency and enhanced internal controls over acquisitions. Prior to the joining the SBA, Jon worked in both local government and as a consultant, working on a broad range of financial management issues including: Budget and Planning, Revolving Loans, Project Management, Content Management Solutions, and e-Gov Solutions. Jon has a Masters Degree (1997) and Bachelors Degree (1993) from the George Washington University.

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Washington, DC 20416
United States
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