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Blog Category: Obama

Secretary Locke Announces Grants in Iowa to Aid Flood Rebuilding Efforts

Secretary Locke at podium

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke viewed new flood-resistant construction at the University of Iowa and announced grants totaling $30 million to assist in flood rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of the 2008 Iowa flood—part of a continuing effort by the Obama administration to help those impacted by the flooding. Locke was joined by Governor Chet Culver, Congressman Dave Loebsack and Mayors Matt Hayek and Jim Fausett. Commerce’s Economic Development Administration will administer the grants. (Remarks) (Press release)

Commerce Department Releases Open Government Plan

Screenshot of Commerce's Open Government Website

In response to President Obama’s Open Government Directive, the Department of Commerce released its first iteration of its Open Government Plan. The plan creates a process for making more data available to the public and identifies three flagship Open Government initiatives that help make the Commerce Department more accessible and interactive. In a blog post on the Department’s Open Government Web site, Secretary Gary Locke noted that the plan, “establishes clear goals and benchmarks for success, and lays the foundation for continued work on increasing openness, participation and collaboration at Commerce in the months and years to come.” (Open Government Plan) (Open Government Web site) (Secretary’s post)

Secretary Locke Visits Chicago, Outlines Plans to Create American Jobs Through Exporting

Secretary Locke with participants.

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke is at the University of Chicago for an export promotion forum with U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin to discuss President Obama’s National Export Initiative (NEI) and what it will do to help U.S. companies, especially small- and medium-sized businesses, sell more of their goods and services overseas. Also speaking at the forum are U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, SBA Administrator Karen Mills, and Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg. The NEI aims to double U.S. exports over the next five years while supporting two million American jobs. (Remarks)

Cities Across America Celebrate Census Day April 1 and Remind Residents to Mail Back Census Forms

Obama signing his form

White House photo

Communities nationwide are urging their residents to take 10 minutes today, April 1—Census Day—to fill out and mail back their 2010 Census forms if they haven’t already done so. As the official reference date for the once-a-decade civic ceremony, Census Day will serve as the point-in-time benchmark for the nation’s population count for the next 10 years. President Barack Obama recently signed and mailed in his Census form and today signed a presidential proclamation of Census Day. (More) (Census Day events—PDF) (Presidential proclamation)

Secretary Locke Explains Impact of New Health Care Legislation on Business

Portrait of Locke.

The Wall Street Journal today published an opinion piece by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke on how reform of the American health care system will benefit businesses, helping them grow and become more competitive. “President Obama began his campaign to reform the American health-care system focused on three goals: protecting Americans' choice of doctors and health plans, assuring quality and affordable health care for all Americans, and reducing costs for families and businesses,” Locke wrote. (Opinion Editorial)

Francisco J. Sánchez Sworn In as Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade

Hightower, Sanchez and scheduling assistant Jenna Pilat. Click for larger image.

Francisco J. Sánchez was sworn in today as Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade after receiving a recess appointment from President Obama. U.S. Commerce Deputy Secretary Dennis Hightower administered the oath of office to Sánchez who will direct the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA). I’m pleased to have Francisco leading the International Trade Administration,” said Hightower. “As head of the International Trade Administration, Francisco will be on the front line as the Commerce Department spearheads the implementation of the President’s National Export Initiative.” (More) (Bio)

Francisco Sánchez and Eric Hirschhorn Named to Posts as Under Secretaries of Commerce

Commerce building exterior with U.S. flag.

Francisco J. Sánchez will direct the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration as Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, and Eric L. Hirschhorn will lead the Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security as Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration after receiving recess appointments from President Obama Saturday. Sánchez and Hirschhorn could serve in their jobs through the end of 2011, when the next Senate finishes its term, or until they are nominated and confirmed to their posts. (Sanchez release) (Hirschhorn release)

Secretary Locke Discusses Jobs and Innovation at Democratic Leadership Council Roundtable

Locke speaking from the podium.

U.S Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke highlighted what the Obama administration and the Commerce Department are doing to spur innovation and job creation, hosted by the New Democratic Leadership Council. Joined by U.S. Rep. Betsy Markey, Arise Virtual Solutions Inc. CEO Angela Selden and AT&T Senior Vice President Xavier Willimas and others, Locke discussed innovation as a key to putting America back on the road to sustainable job growth. He stressed the need to boost investments in innovation and infrastructure so America can lead the world in emerging industries. The New DLC also highlighted two recently released reports that lay out a strategy to put more Americans back to work. (Remarks)

Secretary Locke, Senator Brown Highlight Effort to Boost Exports and U.S. Jobs in Ohio

Secretary Locke at microphone. Click for larger image.

U. S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke traveled to Dublin, Ohio to talk to Americans about the administration’s plan to increase the sales of exports and support the creation of high-paying jobs through President Obama’s recently announced National Export Initiative (NEI). Locke was joined by Senator Sherrod Brown. Officials from the State and Agriculture Departments, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the Export-Import Bank, and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, also met with business leaders across the country to discuss the steps the Administration is taking to help businesses sell more U.S.-made goods and services abroad. (Remarks) (Release) (Export Promotion Cabinet release)

Secretary Locke Addresses Pharmaceutical Industry Leaders at PhRMA's 52nd Annual Meeting

Locke speaking from podium. Photo copyright Max Taylor Photography.

Photo © Max Taylor

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke spoke to leaders of the pharmaceutical industry at the annual meeting of The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) in Arlington, Va. Locke discussed the importance of innovation, particularly in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sectors, to creating American jobs and spurring sustainable economic growth. He also outlined what the Obama administration is doing to jumpstart the national engine of innovation. (Remarks)