Remarks at the Top of a Bilateral Meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Peace Palace
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
July 12, 2012


Thank you very much, Mr. Yang. And once again, I appreciate the opportunity for us to be able to meet to discuss a number of important issues. But I want to stress the importance of U.S.-China cooperation in regional institutions such as the East Asia Summit and, in particular, the ASEAN Regional Forum. I am delighted that we are going to be issuing a joint media note that will give specifics about the cooperative project in the Asia Pacific that we are engaging in. And it is an important signal that the United States and China not only can, but will work together in Asia. And I thank you and your team, as well as mine, for the work that went into that.

PRN: 2012/T68-25

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