Remarks on Syria

Susan E. Rice
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations , U.S. Mission to the United Nations
Security Council Stakeout
New York City
June 8, 2011


Reuters Soundbites:

Ambassador Susan Rice (June 8): "I'm most concerned that the United States of America express itself clearly and plainly. We will be on the right side of history as and when this comes to a vote. If others are unable to or unwilling to then that will be their responsibility to bear."

Ambassador Susan Rice (June 8): "I haven't seen much in the way of change. I think that we heard several Council members, in some instances I would argue disingenuously, use Libya as an excuse and as a ploy to avoid the real issues that we are facing in Syria and in some instances elsewhere. We heard some things in this discussion that I thought, to be polite, strained credulity, not to mention morality, and we will see where a number of Council members come out." Full Text»

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