‹ Analysis & Projections

Annual Energy Outlook 2012

Release Date: June 25, 2012   |  Next Early Release Date: January 23, 2013  |   Report Number: DOE/EIA-0383(2012)

Comparison with other projections

Table 27. Comparison of liquids projections, 2015, 2025, and 2035 (million barrels per day, except where noted)
  Other Projections
Projection 2010 AEO2012
Reference case
Average U.S. imported RAC (2010 dollars per barrel) 75.87 113.97 -- -- 91.78 --
Average WTI price (2010 dollars per barrel) 79.39 116.91 -- 82.24 -- 98.75
Domestic production 7.55 8.71 8.56 9.60 -- 7.92
Crude oil 5.47 6.15 -- 6.90 5.43 5.43
   Alaska 0.60 0.46 -- 0.40 -- 0.54
NGL 2.07 2.56 -- 2.70 -- 2.49
Total net imports 9.56 8.27 8.20 -- 9.81 --
Crude oil 9.17 8.52 -- -- 8.59 9.69
Products 0.39 -0.25 -- -- 1.22 --
Liquids consumption 19.17 19.20 18.26 -- 20.04b 17.69
Net petroleum import share of liquids supplied (percent) 50 43 45 -- -- --
Supply from renewable sources 0.90 1.05 1.24 -- -- --
Transportation product prices (2010 dollars per gallon)
Gasoline 2.76 3.54 -- -- 3.85 --
Diesel 3.00 3.78 -- -- 3.60 --
Average U.S. imported RAC (2010 dollars per barrel) 75.87 121.21 -- -- 113.35 --
Average WTI price (2010 dollars per barrel) 79.39 132.56 -- 89.07 -- 106.47
Domestic production 7.55 9.41 9.20 11.10 -- 7.37
Crude oil 5.47 6.40 -- 7.10 5.74 4.26
   Alaska 0.60 0.40 -- 0.00 -- 0.45
NGL 2.07 3.01 -- 4.00 -- 3.11
Total net imports 9.56 7.12 5.87 -- 9.89 --
Crude oil 9.17 7.24 -- -- 8.31 10.71
Products 0.39 -0.12 -- -- 1.58 --
Liquids consumption 19.17 19.20 17.30 -- 20.38b 17.39
Net petroleum import share of liquids supplied (percent) 50 37 34 -- -- --
Supply from renewable sources 0.90 1.45 1.85 -- -- --
Transportation product prices (2010 dollars per gallon)
Gasoline 2.76 3.85 -- -- 4.36 --
Diesel 3.00 4.17 -- -- 3.46 --
Average U.S. imported RAC (2010 dollars per barrel) 75.87 132.95 -- -- 116.76 --
Average WTI price (2010 dollars per barrel) 79.39 144.98 -- 102.11 -- 107.37
Domestic production 7.55 9.00 -- -- -- --
Crude oil 5.47 5.99 -- -- 5.80 3.23
   Alaska 0.60 0.27 -- -- -- 0.41
NGL 2.07 3.01 -- -- -- --
Total net imports 9.56 7.18 -- -- 10.36 --
Crude oil 9.17 7.52 -- -- 8.49 11.68
Products 0.39 -0.34 -- -- 1.88 --
Liquids consumption 19.17 19.90 -- -- 21.31b 17.38
Net petroleum import share of liquids supplied (percent) 50 36 -- -- -- --
Supply from renewable sources 0.90 2.31 -- -- -- --
Transportation product prices (2010 dollars per gallon)
Gasoline 2.76 4.03 -- -- 4.49 --
Diesel 3.00 4.44 -- -- 3.30 --

-- = not reported.
aFor BP, liquids production data were converted from million metric tons to barrels at 8.067817 barrels per metric ton, and liquids demand data
were converted at 8.162674 barrels per metric ton. One metric ton equals 1,000 kilograms.
bFor INFORUM, liquids demand data were converted from quadrillion Btus to barrels at 187.84572 million barrels per quadrillion Btu.