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Justifications for Other than Full and Open Competition (JOFOC)

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is firmly committed to effective vendor engagement, and recognizes that it is critical to enhancing competition, identifying commercial item solutions, and realizing savings.

Commonly held misunderstandings about how industry and government can engage with each another during the acquisition process place an artificial barrier between Federal agencies and their industry partners. These myths reduce the government’s access to necessary market information as government officials, both program managers and contracting officers, are often unsure how to responsibly engage with their industry counterparts.

Developed in accordance with Office of Federal Procurement Policy guidance, the DOJ Vendor Communication Plan identifies the Department’s efforts to promote effective engagement with industry. The plan provides clear and consistent direction to the DOJ workforce and vendor community about how to engage and increase dialogue prior to award of contracts. Early, frequent, and constructive engagement with industry is a fundamental practice when planning DOJ’s high-impact acquisitions.

Vendor Communication Plan (PDF) | Download the Vendor Communication Pamphlet (PDF)

Updated: September 2012
General Information Justice Management Division
Lee J. Lofthus
Assistant Attorney General for Administration
Justice Management Division
(202) 514-3101
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