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Working Capital Fund

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Welcome to the Department of Justice (DOJ) Working Capital Fund (WCF).  This website provides background information on WCF operations and services.

What is the WCF?

The WCF is a revolving fund that is authorized by law to finance a cycle of operations in which the costs for goods or services are charged to the recipient.  The funds received are available to continue operations and for future investments.  In many ways, the WCF functions similarly to a private business enterprise.

What services are provided under the WCF?

The WCF primarily provides centralized performance of common administrative services, such as computer and internet services, telecommunications, financial services, mail and publications, and payroll/personnel services.

Who can use the WCF’s services?

Any DOJ component can request services from the WCF.  Some services are also available to other federal agencies.  Primary DOJ customers are US Attorneys, Bureau of Prisons, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Drug Enforcement Administration.  The Department of Homeland Security is the largest external customer of the WCF.

When was the WCF established?

The WCF was created by Congress on January 2, 1975, under Public Law 93-613, and has been in operation for over 30 years.

How is the WCF funded?  Does it have its own appropriation?

Under Public Law 95-26, dated May 4, 1977, an appropriation of $2,238,000 was authorized to fund the capitalization and initial operating expenses necessary to start the WCF.  Since then, no funding has been directly appropriated for the WCF.  The WCF recovers its costs by charging customers for services through pre-approved rate structures.  Earnings from the rates are available to continue operations and replenish capital investments.

How much income does the WCF earn?

In fiscal year (FY) 2011, WCF income was more than $1.1 billion; work years dedicated to WCF services were 578.

Is the WCF allowed to generate a profit?

The FY 1992 Appropriations Act (Public Law 102-140) includes language that allows the WCF to retain up to four percent of total income on an annual basis.  It specifies that the use of retained earnings shall only be made after notification to the House of Representatives and Senate appropriations committees.

Even though a surplus can be retained, the WCF is managed using the principle that most accounts should break even, meaning the income generated from rates covers the costs associated with providing the service.

Is the WCF audited?

Since FY 1991, WCF financial statements have been audited by an independent audit firm.  The WCF received unqualified opinions from FY 1991 to FY 2011.  An unqualified (or clean) opinion means the auditor made no reservations and stated no conditions precedent to the statement of fairness of the financial statements.

Additional Information

The following sections of this website provide further information on:

  • Types of accounts under the WCF
  • WCF organizational structure
  • The WCF Customer Advisory Board
  • Descriptions of each account and contact personnel
  • Standard document control numbers (DCN) and sub-object classes (SOC)
  • The public laws that authorize the WCF
Any general WCF questions or comments may be directed to Nick Sterganos, (202) 514-2146. Points of contact for each service are provided under the account descriptions.

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The Assistant Attorney General for Administration (AAG/A) is the general manager of the WCF.  All final decisions regarding operating plans, rate structures, significant funding decisions, and major initiatives affecting customers must be approved by the AAG/A.  The Customer Advisory Board (see below) also plays an integral role by advising the AAG/A on these management issues.

The Deputy Assistant Attorney General (DAAG) - Controller is the financial manager of the WCF and is responsible for overseeing all budgets, making recommendations to the AAG/A on all aspects of the WCF, and performing or directing all of the duties and responsibilities of financial management not reserved by the AAG/A.

Staff Directors are considered activity or program managers.  They are responsible for ensuring the delivery of services to customers, developing operating plans and rate structures, producing customer billings, and conducting the day-to-day management duties related to their staffs.

Budget Staff is responsible for reviewing and monitoring all WCF budgets, providing recommendations on funding initiatives and rate changes requested by the staff directors, providing oversight functions for the AAG/A and Controller, and serving as a "Public Service Commission" for WCF customers.

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In FY 1994, the Customer Advisory Board (CAB) was established to improve customer satisfaction with the WCF.

The CAB, which is chaired by the AAG/A, advises the AAG/A on WCF management issues.  CAB members have access to all relevant financial information, including operating plans produced by Budget Staff.  The CAB has the authority to establish working groups to address issues and concerns of CAB members or other customers that are not directly represented.  Since its inception, the CAB has played an integral role in the operating plan process, including voting on several major initiatives.  The CAB has also provided feedback on WCF rate adjustments as necessary.

The CAB consists of eight voting members:

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives General Legal Activities
Bureau of Prisons Independent Organizations
Drug Enforcement Administration U.S. Attorneys
Federal Bureau of Investigation U.S. Marshals Service

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There are three types of financial accounts in the WCF: operating accounts, clearing accounts, and overhead accounts.


Most of the WCF accounts are operating accounts.  This type of account earns income by providing services and functions similarly to a private business enterprise.  The costs for providing the service are recovered by billing customers using pre-approved rates.   Each operating account is expected to fully recover its operating costs.  The following accounts are operating accounts:

    • Contracts Management Service
    • E-Government Services Staff
    • Enterprise Solutions Staff
    • Financial Management Information System
    • Financial Management Services
    • Human Resources
    • Human Resource Systems
    • Information Technology Security Staff
    • Justice Building Services
    • Mail, Multimedia, and Publications Services
    • Operations Services Staff
    • Program Review Services
    • Security Services
    • Unified Financial Management System


Clearing accounts provide an efficient means of monitoring a common set of costs.  They enable DOJ to pay an external entity from one account and replenish the account through proper distribution of charges.  Clearing accounts monitor "pass-through" costs, which are processed through the WCF and allocated to customers based on usage.

Clearing accounts do not include personnel costs and positions, major fixed costs, or overhead costs.  Since the accounts are "pass-through" in nature, they are expected to break even. The rates for clearing accounts are equal to the cost of providing the service.

The following accounts are clearing accounts:

    • Library Acquisitions Service
    • Space Management  


Overhead accounts consist of administrative personnel who perform a variety of duties in support of the operating accounts.  Overhead accounts do not have rate structures and do not bill for services.  All overhead costs are allocated to the operating accounts, which recover the costs through rate structures.  Customers are billed indirectly for these services through the rates paid to the operating accounts.

The following accounts are overhead accounts:

    • Budget Staff
    • Office of the Chief Information Officer
    • Procurement Services Staff

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Operating Accounts

Most of the WCF accounts are operating accounts.  These accounts earn income by providing services.   The costs for providing the service are recovered by billing customers through pre-approved rates.   Each operating account is expected to fully recover its operating costs.

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Contracts Management Service (CMS)


CMS administers the following contract programs:

Information Technology Service Support

ITSS-4 (Information Technology Support Services-4)
The new ITSS-4 seven-year contract was awarded in FY2010; the ITSS-3 program has ended. This program acquires information technology services for components and other government agencies through a task-order competition among 19 companies holding indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) contracts.  The contracts, which are awarded as the result of a full and open competition, contain time and materials pricing schedules.  Customers can obtain a contractor in as little as two to four weeks using this program; however, customers must provide a statement of work to be approved through the ITSS-4 contracting officer.  To initiate the task-order award process, customers must submit a statement of work to CMS, which is used to solicit proposals from the task-order contractors.  Customers can evaluate the contractors' technical proposals.  The contracting officer will select the winning proposal from the results of the technical evaluation and a comparison of the contractors' price proposals. Requests to contractors for clarifications may be required prior to completing the award.  The types of services available through this program include:

    • Studies and special projects
    • Design, development, engineering and operation of computer systems
    • Project-related hardware and software
    • Database development and administration
    • Network administration and management
    • Training in the use of custom systems and off-the-shelf software
    • Data entry and conversion

ITSS-4 task orders are billed per order to SOC 2530 (no specific DCN).

Point of Contact: Douglas Wooldridge, (202) 514-3284

Automated Research Services

CALR-4 will replace CALR-3 on April 1, 2012.  CALR-4 will be available to DOJ components only. Until the contract or contracts are awarded it is unknown what vendors will be available,

The CALR-3 program provides access to commercial databases for legal research, news, financial information, and public (open source) records.  The Computer Assisted Legal Research (CALR-3) contracts provide customers unlimited usage to most of the West Group and LexisNexis legal, news, financial, and public record databases for annual flat fees.  Multi-year contracts are also in place with ChoicePoint (products now owned by LexisNexis and West), for public records databases, and with Faulkner Information Services, for technology databases and newsletters.  CALR-3 is available only to DOJ components.

CALR-3 and -4 charges are billed annually to SOC 2533 (no specific DCN).

Point of Contact: Bernie Guerrero, (202) 514-4537

Enterprise Software Licenses

This program acquires enterprise licenses for software products that are in widespread use throughout DOJ.  Enterprise software licenses are awarded to reduce the direct costs of DOJ components, simplify administration and assure compliance with copyright laws and software management regulations.  As of November 2011, new license and maintenance agreements are in place for products from Oracle, Microsoft, Corel, McAfee, Adobe, Redax, Remedy, ESRI, Nuance, LexisNexis and i2.  New companies and products are added as requested.  This program is available to DOJ components only. 

Enterprise software license charges are billed per order (for new licenses) and annually (for license renewals) to SOC 2539 (no specific DCN).

Point of Contact: Carol Yang, (202) 307-6899

Alternate Point of Contact for all CMS Programs: Mark Miller, Assistant Director, (202) 514-4766

Basis of Reimbursement

Customer charges are based on actual contract costs plus an administrative fee.

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E-Government Services Staff (EGSS)


EGSS facilitates the timely, cost-effective delivery of high-quality information to the public by publishing DOJ information and services on the Internet as well as improving electronic communication across DOJ and among DOJ’s mission partners.  Primary functions include coordinating and promoting DOJ participation in government-wide E-Gov initiatives, managing a wireless program, overseeing DOJ's compliance with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA), providing leadership to improve DOJ web services, and promoting policies and systems that facilitate information sharing.

EGSS charges are billed quarterly to DCN 90128, SOC 2590.

Basis of Reimbursement

Customer charges are based on the benefit or potential benefit the customer is expected to receive from a given initiative.  Variables used in the allocation methodology include (but are not limited to) component FTE, budget authority, number of systems, or anticipated beneficiaries.

Point of Contact: Alzira Meierling, (202) 307-0279

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Enterprise Solutions Staff (ESS)


ESS manages, reviews, and oversees DOJ's major information technology initiatives to meet cost, schedule, and performance goals.  ESS maintains a portfolio of common solutions to ensure improvement and efficiency in IT project management, including structured and detailed reviews of customer projects; financial and performance reporting; standardized system development methodologies and program management models; increased career development opportunities for project managers; and greater identification, utilization, and sharing of core competencies.  ESS facilitates the use of more integrated and unified IT environments through careful planning, enterprise architecture and investment management.

ESS charges are billed quarterly for both new and recurring services to DCN 90126, SOC 2590.

Basis of Reimbursement

Customer charges are based on a blended FTE and budget authority allocation method (50% / 50%).

Point of Contact: John Murray, (202) 305-9635

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Financial Management Information System (FMIS)


FMIS is the primary, automated, accounting and reporting system that supports DOJ offices, boards, and divisions (OBDs); US Attorneys; Office of Justice Programs; and Bureau of Prisons.   FMIS also provides support for historical reports for several non-DOJ customers.  FMIS supports a full range of financial management functions, including general ledger, budget execution, funds status reporting, receivables and reimbursables management, travel, third-party and Treasury payments, and small-purchase charge card purchases.  FMIS is continually evolving to make use of new technologies to accommodate new reporting requirements and to provide easily-obtainable and understandable information to assist management with decisions regarding financial operations, financial management, budget formulation, and budget execution.

Financial and Administrative Systems Support Group (FASSG)

FASSG designs, develops, implements, and maintains FMIS.  FASSG is responsible for modifications and enhancements of FMIS to support Bureau of Prisons financial operations, DOJ procurement offices (Federal Procurement Data System Reporting), and offices, boards, and divisions (Accountable and Capitalized Property).

Financial Management Policy and Requirements Group (FMPRG)

FMPRG supports the functional data requirements for the design, maintenance, and operation of FMIS.  This includes managing, updating, and controlling system tables for FMIS table-driven data elements, such as fund codes, cost centers, sub-object classifications, and general ledger data elements and posting logic.  FMPRG provides training on FMIS procedures and operates the FMIS help desk.

FMIS2 Help Desk

The FMIS help desk provides guidance to all FMIS users via telephone or email.  Assistance is provided for transaction processing and data entry, suspended user IDs, password problems, application error messages, FMIS reports, and FMIS table maintenance.  The FMIS help desk is also responsible for requests for FMIS system changes, user-defined reports, and user ID re-certification.  The help desk is available via email at FMIS2 Support ( or (202) 616-FMIS (3647).  Hours of operation are 7:00 am - 5:00 pm EST, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.

FMIS charges are billed monthly to DCN 90042, SOC 2516.

Basis of Reimbursement

Customer charges are based on system usage.  Other related costs, which include hardware and software maintenance costs, requirements analysis, systems training, help desk service, and Justice Data Center charges, are allocated to customers based on each customer’s usage-based share of total FMIS costs.

Point of Contact: Melinda Morgan, (202) 616-5800

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Financial Management Services (FMS)


FMS provides financial and accounting services to DOJ offices, boards, and divisions (OBDs), US Attorneys, and Bureau of Prisons (BOP).  Department-level services are also available to the bureaus, as well as specific services where requested.

Financial Operations Service (FOS)

FOS processes interagency billings, updates the reimbursement module, processes all collections, and operates the Cash Imprest Fund for OBDs.  FOS initiates and oversees the creation of monthly and annual financial reports to Treasury and OMB.  FOS also administers the Mellon Bank Third Party Payment System, maintains the FMIS General Ledger, and performs cash reporting and reconciliation.

Fiscal Services Section (FSS)

FSS processes interagency billings for GSA Motor Pool, the Government Printing Office, and Fedstrip.  FSS processes travel and vendor payments and consolidates financial information for 1099 distribution, responds to vendor and OBD requests for payment information, processes stop payments and check reissues, processes draft activity for OBDs, processes MasterCard payments from JP Morgan Chase for OBDs, and processes foreign payment schedules. FSS is also responsible for submitting and sub-certifying audited travel vouchers, payments, and invoices for most OBDs.

Financial Management Policy and Requirements Group (FMPRG)

FMPRG develops and implements financial management bulletins to support financial management laws, regulations and policies for DOJ components.  FMPRG prepares the annual Financial Management Services Status Report and Five-Year Plan as required by the CFO Act and reviews OBD personal property claims.  FMPRG also coordinates monthly financial meetings within DOJ's financial community to promulgate policies and discuss current issues.  It provides a wide array of training services to FMIS users.  FMPRG is responsible for DOJ travel policy, use of non-federal facility requests, conference reporting and premium class travel reports as well as implementation of DOJ’s e-Travel initiative.

Financial Management charges are billed monthly to DCN 90043, SOC 2538.

Quality Control and Compliance Group (QCCG)

QCCG administers the OBD Clean Audit Project (CAP).  CAP is a comprehensive effort to strengthen OBD-wide financial practices in order to obtain reliable financial information.  This process involves training the OBD community, developing solid business practices, overseeing audits and related policy, and performing compliance reviews.

Financial Statements Group (FSG)

FSG prepares audited financial statements for OBDs, the Asset Forfeiture Fund (AFF), the Seized Asset Deposit Fund (SADF), and the WCF.  FSG coordinates the preparation of consolidated, department-wide, audited financial statements for OMB submission.  It coordinates audits of the WCF, AFF/SADF and OBDs, and coordinates Financial Statements Working Group meetings.  FSG prepares and distributes the Financial Statements Requirements and Preparation Guide.

Financial Audit charges are billed monthly to DCN 90118, SOC 2590.

Basis of Reimbursement

Customer charges are based on estimated annual usage.  FMS rates consider transaction volume, processing profile, and any special support provided by Finance Staff.  This method also covers daily accounting, fiscal, and travel management expenses as well as DOJ-wide financial management program support.

Point of Contact: Melinda Morgan, (202) 616-5800

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Human Resources (HR)


HR provides core Human Resources functions to the Offices, Boards, and Divisions and Justice Management Division as described below.

    • advisory staffing,
    • classification,
    • position management,
    • pay administration,
    • labor-management relations,
    • discipline and administrative grievances,
    • Freedom of Information Act response services,
    • employee benefits and services,
    • performance and award program functions,
    • oversight of personnel authorities and delegations,
    • personnel records maintenance, payroll, retirement,
    • other employment-related services; and
    • maintenance, disposition, inventory and accountability of OPFs through the eOPF system.

Personnel Services charges are billed per pay period to DCN 90052, SOC 2525.

Department-wide Personnel Services

Leave Bank
HR operates the leave bank program, which provides coordination and centralized administrative support for processing all contributions of leave and transfers to recipients.

OPM Employment Information Services (USAJOBS)
HR operates the OPM Employment Information Services (USAJOBS), which provides employment information to federal employees and the public.

Executive Resources Program
The Executive Resources Program provides oversight and support for DOJ's senior executive positions to ensure uniformity in these highly visible positions.  HR also schedules executive development training seminars for DOJ's executives, supervisors and managers.

Workers Compensation Program
The Workers Compensation Program addresses workers compensation waste, fraud, and abuse using an integrated DOJ-wide system.

Workforce Relations Program
The Workforce Relations Program supports DOJ’s improved success in litigating appeals before the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Learning Management System (learnDOJ)
The Learning Management System (learnDOJ) provides an integrated content and reporting system for mandatory training classes for all DOJ employees and a course library which includes approximately 1,000 courses.

Executive Level Succession Training Program
The Executive Level Succession Training Program provides opportunities to employees to prepare for leadership positions.

Events Management
The Events Management program coordinates DOJ and attorney general events, such as the Combined Federal Campaign, US Savings Bond Campaign, and the Attorney General Awards Ceremony.

Department-wide charges are billed per pay period to DCN 90052, SOC 2525.

Drug-Free Workplace Program (DFWP)
HR administers both applicant and employee random drug testing on a nationwide basis for OBDs, US Attorneys, Executive Office for Immigration Review, Executive Office for the US Trustees, Office of the Inspector General, Office of Justice Programs, Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the National Archives.  HR operates a collection facility for urine sample collection and analysis for tentative hires in the metropolitan area and collections for employees selected for random testing. HR reports to Congress and the US Department of Health and Human Services on the status of drug testing, and updates applicable DOJ policy.  HR arranges collection of all applicant and random tests outside the metropolitan area. HR conducts follow-up testing for employees, referred by supervisors, who undergo counseling, or rehabilitation programs, for illegal drug use.  HR monitors a quality control program for observing the laboratories' analysis performance in all aspects of the drug testing program.  HR refers employees to the Employee Assistance Program for counseling services.  HR oversees functions involving the use of medical review officers, who must confirm positive test results from the laboratory analysis.

DFWP charges are billed per test to DCN 90005, SOC 2549.

Basis of Reimbursement

Personnel Services are available at full- or limited-service rates. The limited service rate is available to staffs with delegated personnel authority. Charges for Personnel Services and Department-wide services are calculated based on the number of employees, excluding volunteers, in the National Finance Center database for the billing pay period.

Point of Contact: Tara Lawson, (202) 616-3712

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Human Resource Systems (HRS)


HRS is DOJ’s liaison to the US Department of Agriculture's National Finance Center (NFC), which operates the personnel/payroll system used by DOJ.


HRS serves as liaison between NFC, the Office of Personnel Management's Employee Express System, and other systems that provide personnel and payroll processing services to DOJ.  HRS facilitates and monitors payroll processing transactions, personal FSA transactions, and dependent FSA transactions.

User Training
HRS provides training classes on the NFC system and its facilities.  This includes, but is not limited to, time and attendance entry and submission, FOCUS Management reporting, Personnel Action processing on NFC, and various management-level, internal-control classes. HRS can also provide off-site, customized training and specialized systems support.

Expert Help & Support for Personnel/Payroll Operations
HRS provides expert system and subject matter support for payroll operations and accounting as well as operating a hot-line for help with the NFC system.

Systems Integration Analysis
HRS provides expert support for user-data or system integration projects.  This includes working with users, DOJ and bureau technology groups, and contractor groups to determine strategies for integration of personnel and payroll data with mission-related systems.  HRS provides analytical review services for components on how to optimize the use of active and historical data on current systems.

Information Management Reporting
HRS responds to DOJ-, congressional- and court-ordered requests on a variety of human resources and payroll issues.  HRS develops and maintains a variety of unique reports and report menus available to all users.  HRS responds to FOIA requests involving human resource or payroll data and operates a variety of payroll-related models and data files to provide users with decision-support information and "what if?" analyses.

Payroll processing charges are billed per pay period to DCN 90044, SOC 2517.
Personal and dependent FSA charges are billed bi-annually to DCN 90119, SOC 2586 (personal) and DCN 90120, SOC 2587 (dependent).

Basis of Reimbursement

HRS charges a rate per employee record per pay period.  This rate covers expenses related to the provision of services outlined above and charges from the NFC for processing of payroll, personnel and related accounting functions.  Special reimbursements are required for off-site, customized training and specialized systems support.  HRS also manages central payment for Flexible Spending Account (FSA) costs and charges components for their direct costs under separate agreements.

Point of Contact: Melinda Morgan, (202) 616-5800

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Information Technology Security Staff (ITSS)


ITSS is responsible for the development, implementation, and management of DOJ’s IT security program for sensitive but unclassified systems.

IT Solutions
ITSS develops security policies and implementation guidelines, provides oversight and support for IT security programs administered by components, and sponsors new IT security initiatives.

IT Solutions charges are billed monthly to DCN 90127, SOC 2590

Justice Certification and Accreditation Program (JCAP)
ITSS also manages the Justice Certification and Accreditation Program (JCAP), which ensures all DOJ IT systems are certified and maintains a current formal approval to operate.  ITSS provides certification and accreditation technical support for selected IT systems that are managed by and support JMD and senior management offices.

JCAP charges are billed monthly to DCN 90129, SOC 2590

ITSS is a shared-service-center provider for both the Information Technology Security Line of Business (ITSLOB) and for Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) reporting and provides service, support and maintenance of the DOJ Cyber Security Assessment and Management tool.  This service is available to other federal agencies as well as DOJ.

ITSS LoB charges are billed monthly to DCN 90134, SOC 2590.

Justice Security Operations Center
ITSS operates the Justice Security Operations Center (JSOC).  JSOC supports the situational awareness and IT security operations of DOJ and manages DOJCERT activities.  It collects and monitors all security events on DOJ’s network infrastructures to detect and address security incidents.  JSOC currently operates 15 hours per day, 5 days per week, with a goal of 24 hours per day, 7 days per week in FY 2011.

JSOC charges are billed monthly to DCN 90133, SOC 2590.

Basis of Reimbursement

ITSS bills customers based on a blended-rate structure using enacted budget authority (60%) and IT Systems (40%).

Point of Contact: Kevin Deeley, (202) 353-2421

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Justice Building Services (JBS)


JBS provides cleaning and maintenance services, leased building management, and construction services under the Facilities and Administration Service Staff (FASS).

Cleaning Services
JBS provides custodial services to tenants in the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building (RFK).  The custodial staff monitors the contractor that cleans RFK and responds to custodial complaints, including spillage, trash pickups, recycling trash pickups, vacuuming and special requests for cleaning.  JBS will also provide large trash containers for the large-volume disposal of books, paper, and trash.

Maintenance Services
JBS operates, maintains, repairs, preserves and alters RFK and provides maintenance services to tenants of RFK in accordance with the delegation of authority between DOJ and GSA.  The maintenance staff is responsible for daily operations of RFK's heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, regularly-scheduled preventive maintenance of electrical, HVAC and plumbing systems, and responding to complaints for power outages, cold/hot conditions, light bulb changes, elevator problems, and various carpentry and lock malfunctions.  The staff also provides loading and unloading services via a tow motor.

Leased Building Management
JBS oversees approximately 35 leased buildings in the metropolitan area.  This includes ensuring lessor compliance with maintenance and cleaning services, monitoring construction projects and alteration projects, and working with GSA and lessors to ensure adequate services are provided.  JBS is responsible for coordinating reimbursable space modifications and recurring building services with lessors and GSA for the offices, boards, and divisions (OBDs) nationwide.  JBS also develops scope-of-work statements for work requested by OBDs for submission to GSA, and monitors timely completion of the projects.

Construction Services
JBS provides carpentry, painting, and electrical alterations on a reimbursable basis.  Services can be provided in-house or contractually using private sector companies.  JBS provides minimal design services and cost estimates for in-house service or cost estimates for contractor service once components have submitted alteration- or design-assistance requests.

Customer charges for construction jobs performed in-house are billed monthly to SOC 2514 (no specific DCN).

Basis of Reimbursement

JBS does not bill components for cleaning and maintenance services or costs associated with operation and maintenance of RFK.  Construction services are billed at an hourly labor rate.  Materials are provided at cost.

Point of Contact: Louis R. Naber, Jr., (202) 514-1611

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Mail, Multimedia, and Publications Services (MMPS)


MMPS provides mail management, multimedia services, and printing and publications services.  MMPS operates as part of the Facilities and Administrative Services Staff.

Mail Management Section (MMS)

MMS develops and directs a mail management program for components to ensure economical and efficient preparation and dispatch of mail and internal mail processing.  MMS is responsible for the development of policies, procedures and standards for the receipt, delivery, collection, dispatch, and payment of postage for official mail.

Central Mailroom
MMS operates the Logistics Operations Center (LOC), which is the central mailroom facility that provides initial sorting of all incoming mail addressed to components under ZIP code 20530.  Incoming mail receives physical inspection, x-ray, biohazard testing, canine inspection, and is date-stamped to indicate day of receipt.  Staff logs the accountable mail and prepares mail for dispatch to satellite mailrooms.  The central mailroom operates an overnight shipment dispatch service that provides a convenient way to ship outgoing USPS and FedEx.  This service operates Monday through Friday, as late as 11:00 p.m., from twenty-eight locations in the metropolitan area.

Mail Referral Unit
The mail referral unit provides mail referral service for seven major categories of mail, including (1) mail addressed to the attorney general by name or title with no personal marking or congressional frank; (2) mail addressed to DOJ with no specific designation; (3) mail marked Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act addressed to DOJ with no specific designation; (4) mail received from the White House in bulk; (5) legal papers hand-served to the attorney general and other DOJ officials by US Marshals and private process-servers; (6) telegrams addressed to the attorney general or DOJ; and (7) mail addressed to the Tax Division in general, or to the assistant attorney general of the Tax Division by name or title with no personal marking or attention line.  Also, autopen service is provided as a way to save time for DOJ officials by affixing signatures on documents such as form letters.

Satellite Mail Facilities
Satellite mail facilities include mail rooms located in buildings other than the central mailroom.  These facilities provide initial sorting and delivery of incoming USPS and interoffice mail addressed to occupants in the building, as well as processing outgoing USPS mail and FedEx.

General Support Services-Contractual
MMS provides mail and messenger services, correspondence processing, mail management, temporary help, warehousing and labor, facilities maintenance, administrative support, and copy services.  MMS is responsible for preparing a statement of work for each position, monitoring contractor performance, and ensuring that quality standards are maintained.

Messenger Center Service
MMS operates central facilities for processing all incoming and outgoing small packages via couriers without cardkey access to Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building and Patrick Henry Building.  All incoming packages are X-rayed by security personnel.

Interbuilding Bulk Mail Delivery
MMS provides bulk mail pick-up and delivery between buildings occupied by DOJ in the metropolitan area.

Scheduled Messenger Service
MMS provides scheduled pick-up and delivery of unclassified, time-sensitive materials between DOJ locations and other points along a specified route.

Post Office Box Mail Pickup Service
MMS provides mail pickup from post office boxes, mail security screening (X-ray), and delivery to various components in the metropolitan area.

On-Call Messenger Services
MMS provides on-call pickup and delivery of classified and unclassified time-critical material between DOJ locations and other points in the metropolitan area.

Direct Accountability and Mail Metering Services
MMS tracks the use of postage meter account numbers and compiles, analyzes, and reports postage expenditures.

Charges for all mail management services are billed based on usage to DCN 90009, SOC 2210.

Point of Contact: Evie Sassock, (202) 514-0022

Multimedia Section (MS)

MS offers a complete range of creative, professional, and affordable media services, including audiovisual, photography, and graphics services.  MS ensures adherence to high standards in quality, efficiency and efficacy of photographic, audiovisual, and graphic products and activities. MS also operates the JusticeVision television channel.  This CATV channel is broadcast throughout the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building, the Patrick Henry Building, 810 7th Street, 20 Mass. Ave., Two Constitution Avenue, Liberty Square, and TechWorld.  In addition, JusticeVision is sent to the National Advocacy Center in North Carolina to be distributed to US Attorneys’ offices nationwide.

Audiovisual Services
MS provides broadcast-quality video and audio recording of news briefings, conferences, meetings, ceremonies, training sessions and other special events.  MS also provides a complete array of video production services, including production planning, scripting, editing, and duplication.  Full service production capabilities range from one-camera recording to sophisticated multi-camera coverage with live switching.  Post-production services include AVID non-linear editing, graphics creation, sound design, and special effects.  Other services include video teleconferencing, satellite down-linking, and audio and video duplication. 

Photography Services
MS provides event photography services for meetings, seminars, award ceremonies, conferences, news briefings and other special events or projects.  Other photography services include photos for publications and websites, digital processing and printing, photo restoration, executive portraits, group photos, office décor, enlargements, slide and negative scanning, passport photos, and contact sheets.

Point of Contact: Arlene Louton-Brown, (202) 616-3885

Printing & Publications Section (PPS)

PPS develops and directs a publications, graphics, printing, and reprographics management program.

Printing Procurement
Printing Procurement is the central contracting point for all printing and print-related services for DOJ: components are required to obtain printing and print-related services through Printing Procurement.  Printing Procurement assists customers with publication design, cost estimation, scheduling, construction, special printing characteristics, and shipping, and handles accounting requirements. 

Charges are billed per order to SOC 2490 (no specific DCN).

Graphics Services
Graphics services specializes in art design and consultation for all graphic needs, including layout and production of custom promotional and print materials, reports, publications, booklets, brochures, invitations, and cover design.  Courtroom services and trial exhibit consultations include art for inclusion in Trial Director, displays, enlargements, charts and drawings.  Additional services include website design, exhibit and trade show displays, seal and logo creation, awards, certificates, plaques, engraving, posters, banners and signage.  Please contact Graphics Services for questions regarding adherence to DOJ graphics standards. 

Charges are billed per order to SOC 2556 (no specific DCN).

Printing Operations and Reprographics Management

Printing Operations provides in-house copying services, form and letterhead printing, and document binding and finishing.  Reprographics Management reviews and approves copy equipment, printing/binding equipment, and electronic publishing systems for DOJ prior to acquisition.

Charges are billed per order to SOC 2415 (no specific DCN).

Point of Contact: Douglas Cohn, (202) 353-7216

Basis of Reimbursement
Customer charges are billed based on usage.

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Operations Services Staff (OSS)


OSS provides information technology and telecommunications services.

Information Technology Services

Justice Data Centers
OSS manages and operates two certified and accredited common-user data-processing facilities: the Justice Data Center-Washington (Rockville, MD), and the Justice Data Center-Dallas (Dallas, TX).  A help desk is also provided for technical assistance, problem reporting, and corrective action.  The two data processing facilities provide a mainframe processing capacity of 2,300 millions of instructions per second (MIPS) and contingency back-up for each site to support 100% Central Processing Units (CPU), 100% Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD), and 100% front-end processing requirements.  OSS also provides AIX, Wintel, and Linux services, including contingency back-up, Storage Area Network (SAN) support, and LAN support.

OSS serves over 120,000 customers worldwide, providing a wide range of computer-related services, including:

  • IBM mainframe processing platforms using z/OS and z/VM operating systems with logical operating partitions that create secure processing environments
  • Non-mainframe processing platforms including AIX, Wintel, and Linux
  • Interactive, on-line, and batch information processing and customer service assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with monthly utilization reports on service costs
  • Contingency capabilities commensurate with customer mission requirements
  • Access to multiple hardware and software utilities with on-site and off-site storage and retrieval of backup media

Enterprise Mail and Web Service
OSS operates and maintains an efficient, responsive, cost-effective, enterprise-wide infrastructure for Internet access, web application server hosting, and inbound/outbound electronic mail message processing.  Service includes connectivity with timely and reliable email delivery to both internal and external DOJ destinations.  This includes a real-time global directory that can be queried by the entire DOJ community

Justice Online Information Network (JOIN)
OSS manages the DOJ Internet connection for JOIN services.  These services include web hosting, email services, Internet access, web browsing, and search engines.  These services are provided in a secure environment with a firewall that acts as a buffer between the public Internet and the DOJ network.  The intranet services (DOJ internal web servers and email systems) reside within the DOJ internal network that is kept isolated from non-DOJ networks, such as the Internet.

Teleprocessing Services
Teleprocessing services support remote and local telecommunication processors supporting nationwide and metropolitan area networks that access the data centers. These support services are managed and operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and can be accessed anywhere in the United States via worldwide telecommunication networks.

Support Services
OSS support services include:

  • Design and development of special solutions for information processing
  • Review of acquisitions, procurement, installation, implementation, and maintenance of IT resources requirements (e.g. system, software, equipment)
  • Secure processing for customers accessing the data centers
  • Well-established procedures for back-up and contingency operations and disaster recovery plans 

Data Center Help Desk
The Integrated Operations Service Center (IOSC) responds to calls for assistance and service regarding day-to-day operations.  The IOSC researches and resolves end-user questions and problems and works to improve end-users’ satisfaction with prompt and accurate feedback.

The IOSC is responsible for providing customers with assistance on problems associated with OSS services and resources, including teleprocessing, z/OS z/VM, AIX, Wintel, and Linux operating systems; security issues; and internet and e-mail connectivity.  The IOSC uses an automated problem-management system to quickly track and disseminate information related to customer problems as well as to manage customer change requests.  The IOSC operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

OSS has established the following objectives through customer Service Level Agreements:

  • Common-user utilities with at least 99.5 percent availability of scheduled use time. If mission-essential requirements demand higher availability, innovative, redundant technology can be provided.
  • Scheduled outage time will not exceed 8 hours per month.
  • Problem resolution responsiveness timelines based on priority levels:
    • Critical - less than 60 minutes
    • High - less than 2 hours
    • Medium - end of next business day
    • Low - less than 3 days
  • Host response time in less than two seconds.  

Customer Requested Software
Customers are responsible for funding the initial cost and future maintenance costs of new software products for which they are the only user.  After the initial purchase, the customer organization will transfer the license to OSS, and OSS will bill the customer for maintenance costs in subsequent years.  These charges will appear on the customer's monthly invoices.  For dedicated servers (customer-owned machines), the customer is responsible for funding the purchase and subsequent maintenance of new software and hardware.

Information Technology services are charged to DCN 90045, SOC 2518.

Point of Contact: Joan Crum, (202) 307-6944

Telecommunications Services

Local Voice Service (WASP, WITS, Centrex, Equipment and Installation, Tolls)
OSS provides local telephone service to Washington metropolitan area DOJ facilities through three services.  The primary resource is the Washington Area Switch Program (WASP), a dedicated telephone system obtained via contract with Verizon.  OSS currently provides service to approximately 34,110 customers through WASP.  Phone service to locations not served by WASP is provided either through the DOJ Centrex services provided by Verizon (approximately 85 voice lines and 21 data circuits) or obtained from the General Services Administration through the Washington Interagency Telecommunications System (WITS) (approximately 3,032 lines and 321 data lines).  Customers under WASP, WITS, and Centrex are billed a rate per line per month which pays for the costs of providing the basic telephone service, special features, maintenance, and administration.  OSS receives bills from Lucent, Verizon, and GSA for telephone equipment.  Charges are passed through with no additional cost for the purchase of equipment and/or technician overtime hours (as requested).  Toll charges billed to customers are for calls made outside of the WASP switch on which their phone resides.  These toll calls include non-FTS long distance calls, directory assistance, and local message units (a local call for which Verizon bills DOJ 7.2 cents per call when a "9" is dialed).

Point of Contact: Larry Packard, (202) 514-1817

Cellular Service
Cellular service integrates the service features of WASP and Verizon Wireless switches.  This integration provides features such as five-digit dialing to other WASP phones and "Follow Me Roaming".  This "service only" contract offers the best service level in the area with a grade of service of less than 2 dropped calls per 100 calls.

Point of Contact: Shannon V. Brown, (202) 514-5738

Voice and Facsimile Mail
OSS offers voice mail service at all WASP locations.  Mailboxes come in three configurations (basic, enhanced, executive).  In addition, voice mail trees can be used by components to direct calls to recorded messages for commonly asked questions posed by the public.  OSS is currently managing over 18,700 voice mailboxes.

OSS also offers fax mail and fax broadcast services.  Fax mail allows users to receive fax information in a mailbox that can be sent to a fax machine for printing or forwarded to other fax mailboxes.  Fax broadcast allows users to send a fax to a wide group of recipients.

Point of Contact: Larry Packard, (202) 514-1817

Executive Voice Conferencing (Worldwide)
Executive voice conferencing allows users to arrange a "meeting" among participants.  Two conference types are offered (MEET ME, Operator Assisted Conference) so users can choose the level of operator involvement.

Point of Contact: Lydia Matthews, (202) 616-2193

Office Automation
OSS offers both secure and unclassified office automation systems within JMD and the senior management offices.  OSS supports users of the Justice Consolidated Network (JCON) by providing installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting services.  In addition, OSS is responsible for help desk support associated with JCON.

OSS provides a fully networked, classified office automation system for the senior management, litigating, related legal, and law enforcement components within DOJ.  JCON-S and JCON-TS were implemented as a result of 9/11 and provide a vital communications link between DOJ and other intelligence sources for anti-terrorism- related issues.

JCON-S is a secret-level LAN that allows users secret-level email services and provides access to the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet).  SIPRNet is owned and operated by the Department of Defense (DOD) and enables users to pass data-grams at the Secret-Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals (SECRET-NOFORN) classification level.  Only users who hold security clearances at the secret level or above are permitted access to SIPRNet.

JCON-TS is designed to meet the requirements for secure TOPSECRET (TS)/Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) multi-media intelligence communications within DOJ and Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications Systems (JWICS).

Point of Contact: John E. McClendon, (202) 307-6891

Federal Technology Service (FTS)
OSS provides domestic and international long distance telecommunications services under the FTS 2001 contract.  OSS serves as DOJ's liaison with the FTS 2001 program office at GSA and with our FTS 2001 vendors for coordination of services.  OSS places all orders for DOJ component services, represents DOJ on all matters pertaining to these services, pays the GSA bill for all DOJ FTS charges, and allocates these charges to the DOJ components.

Point of Contact: Curt Gallenbeck, (202) 305-9111

Justice Telecommunications System
The Justice Telecommunications System (JUST) is an unclassified but sensitive message switching system that provides connectivity and gateway access to the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC), the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS), and other law enforcement databases internationally for both DOJ and non-DOJ components.  OSS is responsible for the engineering, design, acquisition, implementation, operations and trouble management of JUST.

All above telecommunications services are charged to DCN 90040, SOC 2306.

Point of Contact: Linda S. Garcia, (202) 305-3257

Non-Network Data Services
OSS provides ordering and billing services to DOJ components for non-network data circuits throughout the United States.  For these circuits, OSS passes through to the customer the circuit costs billed by the local exchange carrier, plus an additional surcharge.

Non-network data services are charged to DCN 90037, SOC 2306.

Point of Contact: Curt Gallenbeck, (202) 305-9111

Justice Unified Telecommunications Network (JUTNet)
JUTNet is a DOJ-managed enterprise network that provides telecommunications and IP-based data/voice/video services to DOJ headquarters, data centers, and field office locations.

JUTNet services are charged to DCN 90024, SOC 2307.

Point of Contact: Shirley Nasser, (202) 353-7688

Basis of Reimbursement

Customer charges are based on a combination of actual usage and cost allocation.

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Program Review Services (PRS)


PRS ensures implementation of OMB Circular A-123, Appendix A, throughout DOJ.  PRS plans the overall assessment, provides implementation guidance and assistance to components, and prepares the annual assurance statement for the Performance and Accountability Report (PAR).  PRS also corresponds with OMB and other agencies on A-123 matters to stay abreast of developments that may affect DOJ (e.g., revisions to OMB requirements) in order to maximize efficiency and efficacy.

PRS is also responsible for overall FMFIA reporting (commonly referred to as Section 2 and Section 4), Improper Payments Reporting (OMB Circular A-123, Appendix C), coordination of testing and reporting of FPDS-NG data, and ensuring the completion of the entity level acquisition assessment.

Charges are billed monthly to DCN 90130, SOC 2590.

Basis of Reimbursement

PRS charges components based on equal distribution of costs among reporting components, adjusted for specific assistance provided by PRS.

Point of Contact: Neil Ryder, (202) 616-5499

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Security Services (SEPS)


SEPS ensures the physical security of DOJ-occupied buildings, monitors compliance with DOJ-wide security polices, and operates the Justice Security Tracking and Adjudication Record System (JSTARS).

Building Security
SEPS provides physical building security by maintaining a guard service, guard inspectors, and a building access system.  Additionally, SEPS maintains an alternative relocation facility to ensure continuity of operations in the event of building evacuation.

Points of Contact: E. Reid Hilliard, (202) 514-1441
Guard services: Wes Avery, (202) 514-5078
Guard inspectors: Chris Hartle, (202) 514-2357
Building access system: Dwayne Deaver, (202) 514-2129

Policy Compliance
The compliance review section determines if components are in compliance with DOJ and national security policies. SEPS conducts random and scheduled security reviews to monitor compliance, providing assistance on-site as needed.  The reviews cover physical, personnel, contractor, document, information technology, communications and operations security needs, as well as occupant emergency and continuity of operations plans and safety and health program. The Information and Technical Security Program (ITSP) administers, manages, develops and promulgates safeguards and security policy governing DOJ's National Security Information (NSI) and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) programs and DOJ’s COMSEC and Technical Security Countermeasures programs.

Point of Contact: Glenn Bensley, (202) 514-4798.

SEPS operates the Justice Security Tracking and Adjudication Record System (JSTARS), a web application personnel security system used to track security investigations, security clearances, pre-employment waivers, reciprocity approvals and clearance certifications for Department employees and JMD contractors.

Point of Contact: Dorianna Rice, (202) 514-2351.

All customer charges are billed quarterly to SOC 2555.

Basis of Reimbursement

Costs are allocated to components based on a combination of budget authority and FTE.  Guard service costs are calculated based on components’ occupancy share of the total building.  Compliance reviews, ITSP and JSTARS costs are allocated based on the components' enacted FTE level.  Reimbursement agreements for guard services, compliance reviews, ITSP and JSTARS are issued separately.

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Unified Financial Management System (UFMS)

Unified Financial Management System (UFMS) Support

UFMS is an integrated financial management enterprise system that has been deployed to some DOJ components and will eventually replace FMIS DOJ-wide.  Finance Staff is responsible for providing operations and maintenance services for UFMS, including centralizing data center charges and licensing, system administration, help desk service, daily operations, and other direct costs.  Only customers currently using UFMS are billed for services, via individual agreements; users of FMIS only are not affected by UFMS costs.

UFMS charges are billed quarterly to SOC 2590, no specific DCN.

Basis of Reimbursement
Customer charges are based on direct and shared costs.  Direct costs comprise items directly attributable to individual organizations:  cost for number of processors and data storage and software license fees.  Shared costs are allocated to customers based on each customer’s direct cost share of total UFMS costs.  Shared costs include hardware and software maintenance costs, requirements analysis, systems training, help desk service, personnel, contractor operational costs, rent, and all miscellaneous supply and equipment costs required to sustain group operations,   During the initial implementation phase of UFMS, the WCF absorbs costs in an amount equal to all unimplemented organizations’ estimated share of the final implemented state in order to avoid penalizing early adopters.

Point of Contact: Melinda Morgan, (202) 616-5800

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Clearing Accounts

Clearing accounts provide an efficient means of monitoring a common set of costs.  They enable DOJ to pay an external entity from one account and replenish the account through proper distribution of charges.  Clearing accounts monitor "pass-through" costs, which are processed through the WCF and allocated to customers based on usage.

Clearing accounts do not include personnel costs and positions, major fixed costs, or overhead costs.  Since the accounts are "pass-through" in nature, they are expected to break even.  The rates for clearing accounts are equal to the cost of providing the service.

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Library Acquisitions Service


The Library Acquisitions Service, operated by Library Staff, orders publications, including electronic resources, for the offices, boards, divisions, US Attorneys, and US Trustees.  Library Staff has been delegated procurement authority by Procurement Services Staff for open-market publications requirements up to $100,000 and unlimited Federal Supply Schedule publications requirements.  Library Staff works jointly with contracting officers to award contracts for any open-market publications requirements exceeding $100,000.  Components should order one-time publications, local newspapers, and popular magazines under $3,000 using their government purchase cards.  All other publications orders, including newspapers delivered in the metropolitan area, can be placed through Library Staff.

Library Staff distributes reports in June that allow customers to conduct an annual review of all publications expected to be renewed or updated in the next fiscal year.  Customers are requested to respond by mid-July with any changes, including cancellations, address changes, or funding changes.  Customers are not required to take action to continue existing subscriptions.  Library Staff will renew subscriptions and procure necessary supplementation until requested to stop.

Customer charges are billed to SOC 2613.  Generally, DCN 80001 is used for publications billing, but the customer may specify a different DCN.

Basis of Reimbursement

Customers are billed based on the cost of the publications plus a 2% administrative fee.  These charges are billed to the register and document control number specified by the customer on the reimbursement agreement issued by Library Staff.  Billings are processed quarterly during the first quarter of the fiscal year and monthly thereafter.

Point of Contact: Daire McCabe, (202) 514-4859

Space Management


The Space Management account is used to expedite payment of GSA rent billings for components (excluding bureaus).  GSA bills the account on a monthly basis for all GSA-controlled space occupied by DOJ throughout the United States (including parking space).

Components are billed for their space based on actual GSA rates for each particular building.  In the metropolitan Washington area, components are also assessed a National Capital Region (NCR) rent surcharge.  The rent surcharge covers common costs, including guard service, rent for shared-use spaces (i.e. fitness centers), security at the Robert F. Kennedy Main Justice Building, vacant space, shuttle services, and other miscellaneous costs.  The Department Rent Management System (DRMS), a computerized inventory database, is used to generate component space billings.

All charges are billed monthly:
Space charges are billed to standard DCN 90013, SOC 2320.
Parking charges for both GSA-owned and commercially-leased spaces are billed to DCN 90014, SOC 2322.
Guard service charges are billed to DCN 90125, SOC 2555.

Basis of Reimbursement

Customers are billed based on space occupancy plus a surcharge that covers common costs.  Parking charges are based on usage.

Points of contact: Kristin Richards, (202) 514-4351.

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Overhead Accounts

Overhead accounts consist of administrative personnel who perform a variety of duties in support of the operating accounts.  Overhead accounts do not have a rate structure and do not bill for services.  All overhead costs are proportionally spread to the operating accounts, which recover the costs through rate structures.

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Budget Staff


Budget Staff provides budget formulation and execution support for senior management staff and all WCF activities.  This includes reviewing all operating plans and making recommendations on new funding initiatives, rate changes, current service funding levels, and policy issues.  It also provides information, as needed, to the independent auditors of the WCF.  This activity provides periodic income and expense reports on the financial status of each account and has a key role in closing out the WCF at the end of the fiscal year.  The financial information produced by this activity is provided to senior management and the CAB for decision-making purposes throughout the fiscal year.

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Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)

Office of the Chief Information Officer supports the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Administration’s management responsibilities, including budget oversight, financial analysis, and human capital management for all WCF information technology staffs.

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Procurement Services Staff (PSS)

Procurement Services Staff performs procurement duties for all WCF activities, such as negotiating and awarding new contracts, formulating procurement policies and procedures, exercising contract options, issuing contract modifications and task orders, monitoring contract performance and other procurement activities.

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Public Law 93-613, which includes language that created the WCF, is listed on the following page.

Also included on the following page is Public Law 102-140: the DOJ FY 1992 Appropriations Act.  This includes language that allows the WCF to retain up to four percent of total revenue on an annual basis.  It specifies that the use of retained earnings shall only be made after notification to the House of Representatives and Senate appropriations committees.

In addition, the DOJ FY 1992 Appropriations Act established DOJ’s authority to transfer prior-year, unobligated balances into the WCF, no later than the end of the fifth fiscal year, after the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated or otherwise made available.  These funds are available for DOJ-wide acquisition of capital equipment, development and implementation of law enforcement or litigation-related automated data processing systems, and improvement and implementation of DOJ’s financial management and payroll/personnel systems.  Use of these transferred funds shall only be made after notification to the House of Representatives and Senate appropriations committees.

Organizations that transfer unobligated balances into the WCF will not necessarily be able to use these resources at a later date.  The funding will be dispensed at the direction of the Attorney General.

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PUBLIC LAW 93-613: Establishment of working capital fund - 28 USC 527. "There is hereby authorized to be established a working capital fund for the Department of Justice that shall be available, without fiscal year limitation, for expenses and equipment necessary for maintenance and operations of such administrative services as the Attorney General, with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget, determines may be performed more advantageously as central services.  The capital of the fund shall consist of the amount of the fair and reasonable value of such inventories, equipment, and other assets and inventories on order pertaining to the services to be carried on by the fund as the Attorney General may transfer to the fund less related liabilities and unpaid obligations together with any appropriations made for the purpose of providing capital.  The fund shall be reimbursed or credited with advance payments from applicable appropriations and funds of the Department of Justice, other Federal agencies, and other sources authorized by law for supplies, materials, and services at rates that will recover the expenses of operations including accrual of annual leave and depreciation of plant and equipment of the fund.  The fund shall also be credited with other receipts from sale or exchange of property or in payment for loss or damage to property held by the fund.  There shall be transferred into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, as of the close of each fiscal year, any net income after making provisions for prior year losses, if any."

PUBLIC LAW 102-140: 28 USC 527 note."Of the total income of the Working Capital Fund in fiscal year 1992 and each fiscal year thereafter, not to exceed 4 percent of the total income may be retained, to remain available until expended, for the acquisition of capital equipment and for the improvement and implementation of the Department's financial management and payroll/personnel systems: Provided, That in fiscal year 1992, not to exceed $4,000,000 of the total income retained shall be used for improvements to the Department's data processing operation: Provided further, That any proposed use of the retained income in fiscal year 1992 and thereafter, except for the $4,000,000 specified above, shall only be made after notification to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate in accordance with section 606 of this Act.

In addition, for fiscal year 1992 and thereafter, at no later than the end of the fifth fiscal year after the fiscal year for which funds are appropriated or otherwise made available, unobligated balances of appropriations available to the Department of Justice during such fiscal year may be transferred into the capital account of the Working Capital Fund to be available for the department-wide acquisition of capital equipment, development and implementation of law enforcement or litigation related automated data processing systems, and for the improvement and implementation of the Department's financial management and payroll/personnel systems: Provided, That any proposed use of these transferred funds in fiscal year 1992 and thereafter shall only be made after notification to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate in accordance with section 606 of this Act."

Section 11013 of Public Law 107-273 provides as follows:

- Notwithstanding Section 3302 OF TITLE 31, United States Code, or any other statute affecting the crediting of collections, the Attorney General may credit, as an offsetting collection, to the Department of Justice Working Capital Fund up to 3 percent of all amounts collected pursuant to civil debt collection litigation activities of the Department of Justice.  Such amounts in the Working Capital Fund shall remain available until expended and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of that fund, and shall be used first, for paying the costs of processing and tracking civil and criminal debt-collection litigation, and, thereafter, for financial systems and for debt-collection-related personnel, administrative, and litigation expenses.

  • (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT. - Section 108 of Public Law 103-121 is repealed.  The Conference Committee Report published September 25, 2002, in the Congressional Record, states:
    Sec. 11013. Debt Collection improvement
  • Section 11013 expands the use of the Department's Three Percent Debt Collection Fund. This fund was established by Section 108 of P.L. 103-121.  The language of that Act permits the Department to credit three percent of all civil debt collections resulting from Department debt collection activities to the Working Capital Fund (the Three Percent Fund) and to use those deposits to the Fund only for the costs of processing and tracking civil debt collection litigation.  The proposed language would expand the uses of the Three Percent Fund and establish a two tier structure for the expanded use of those funds.
  • The first tier permits the Department would use deposits in the fund for processing and tracking both civil and criminal debt collection.  Thereafter, if there are amounts remaining in the Fund after paying the costs of processing and tracking, the funds could be used for financial systems and for debt-collection related personnel, administrative, and litigation expenses.  The second tier permits the Department to use balances remaining after the costs of tracking and processing have been paid to support its financial management systems and to pay the costs of personnel, administration and other debt-collection-related litigation expenses.
  • The Conference Committee Report for Section 108 of Public Law 103-121 (published October 14, 1993 in the Congressional Record) defined "processing and tracking" as follows:

    • The Debt Collection Management Unit,
    • The Nationwide Central Intake Facility,
    • The Private Counsel Program,
    • The Debt Accounting Operations Group, and
  • Other activities and adjunct debt collection tools associated with the litigation and collection of debts (e.g., skip tracing, credit reports, asset investigations, training, education and outreach, and costs in connection with sales of property to satisfy a U.S. Government debt, etc.).

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Updated: September 2012