Videos 2007

The following videos can be viewed on-line and/or ordered from NATO's Media Library. Videos can be ordered by recognised members of the press and media and educational institutions. All other requests will be considered on a case-by-case

ISAF 2007 videos are available here

January February March April May June
July August September October November December

videoDecember top top

End of year message by the NATO Secretary General

On the eve of the festive season I would like to share with you my thoughts on the months ahead. But first I want to address the people we owe most in this organisation – the men and women in uniform. More...


SCOPE: NATO in Afghanistan

NATO is a key component of the international community's engagement in Afghanistan. The Alliance is assisting the Afghan authorities in providing security and stability, thus paving the way for reconstruction and effective governance. More...

SCOPE video magazine

Climate changes means security needs to be redefined - Nobel Peace Prize winner

In an interview with NATO Review, the chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize winning IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) says that climate change's security implications require a new approach and definition of security.


Videos from the Meetings of Foreign Ministers
NATO Headquarters, 6-7 December 2007

Video summary - WMV/7680Kb

Polish Prime Minister visits NATO

The new Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, paid an official visit to NATO HQ on Tuesday, 4th December. He met for a bilateral meeting with the Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...


The President of Croatia visits NATO

The President of Croatia, Mr. Stjepan Mesic visited the NATO Headquarters and met with the Secretary General. They discussed Croatia’s reform efforts in the context of the Membership Action Plan. More...


videoNovember top top

EADRCC Exercise "Idassa 2007" - Zadar, Croatia - 19-24 May 2007

A consequence management field exercise organised by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) in co-operation with Croatia, the host nation, was conducted in May 2007. More...

.WMV/ 86.002Kb

Video interview with NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, Peter Flory

Peter Flory, NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, talks about the outcome of the recent Conference of National Armaments Directors held at NATO HQ, about missile defence and about NATO's fight against terrorism. More...


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 25.117Kb

Videos from the Meeting of NATO’s and Partner Chiefs of Defence
NATO Headquarters, 13-14 November 2007

Video summary - WMV 2478Kb

Science for Peace and Security Programme: Virtual Silk Highway in Afghanistan

The short video outlines some of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS) activities in Afghanistan, made possible via the Virtual Silk Highway Project. More...

WMV 20.647Kb

Fighting terrorism in the Mediterranean

Vice-Admiral Roberto Cesaretti, the Commander of Maritime Component Command Naples and Commander of Operation Active Endeavour,  talks  about  the  NATO  and  Partner countries which are contributing to the operation,  the daily aspects involved in running Active Endeavour as well as the upcoming arrival of a second Ukranian ship which will join the fleet in less than two weeks. More...


videoOctober top top

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 21.503Kb

Video files from the Meeting of NATO Defence ministers
Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 24-25 October

Video summary - WMV 7468Kb

Visit by the President of Albania

The President of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Bamir Topi, visited NATO Headquarters on Friday, 19 October 2007 and met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...

WMV 57.258Kb

Consultations on missile defence at NATO HQ

The North Atlantic Council and the NATO-Russia Council respectively, discussed on 17 October missile defence issues. The sessions were a continuation of consultation meetings held at NATO HQ last year, as well as in February and April 2007. More...

WMV 3.881Kb

The President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1 visits NATO

The President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1 , Mr. Branko Crvenkovski, visited the NATO Headquarters and met with the Secretary General. More...

WMV 34.217Kb WMV 2.040Kb (edited version)

Visit to NATO by the Prime Minister of New Zealand

The Prime Minister of New Zealand Ms. Helen Clark visited the NATO Headquarters and met with the Secretary General. They had an exchange of views about issues of common concern and especially about the security situation in Afghanistan. More...

WMV 20.248.Kb WMV2.243Kb (edited version)

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 23.555Kb

NATO ships rescue Yemeni servicemen following volcano eruption

NATO naval vessels from the United States, the Netherlands, Portugal, Canada, Denmark and Germany rescued two Yemeni servicemen following the eruption of a volcano on the Yemeni Island of Jazirat at Ta’ir. More...

QuickTime 7.928Kb

videoSeptember top top

NATO providing assistance for the education of Afghan women

The brief video highlights how NATO continues to provide support for the education sector in Afghanistan. More...

High (WMV 111.168Kb) Low (WMV 51.435Kb)

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 15.660Kb

NATO Afghanistan commander, senior representative brief press

General Dan McNeill, Commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, Ambassador Daan Everts, NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, and James Appathurai, NATO Spokesman, briefed the press on the situation in Afghanistan. More...


UN representative briefs NATO on Afghan drugs issue

Antonio Maria Costa, Executive Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime visited NATO HQ on 5 September to discuss with NATO decision-makers the issue of opium production in Afghanistan. More...


videoAugust top top

Public diplomacy chief bids farewell

On the eve of his departure, Jean Fournet, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy looks back on the highlights of his six years at NATO and gives his views on the importance of public diplomacy in NATO's overall mission. More...

English .wmv/36.669Kb French .wmv/37.921Kb

Video highlights five years of change in Afghanistan

A brief video highlights some of the changes in education, reconstruction and economic development in Afghanistan over the past five years. More...

videoJuly top top

Video briefing with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

The NATO Secretary General talks about the situation in Kosovo, takes stock of progress in Afghanistan and discusses relations between NATO and Russia. More...


Latvian president visited NATO

Press point with the Latvian President, Dr. Valdis Zatlers and NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...

WMV 16.686Kb

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 17.523Kb

10th anniversary of NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership

Opening statements at the NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting at Ambassadorial level to mark the 10th anniversary of the NATO-Ukraine partnership. More...

  • Remarks by the NATO Secretary General WMV/9.653Kb video
  • Remarks by the Head of the Ukrainian Mission to NATO WMV/7.530Kb video

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 29.161Kb

videoJunetop top

Videos from the EAPC Security Forum
Ohrid, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 - 28-29 June 2007

Videos from the NATO-Russia Council commemorative events
Russia - 25-26 June 2007

Public diplomacy action plan - video interview by Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Stefanie Babst

NATO's Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Stefanie Babst, talks about key upcoming events and the priorities for NATO's public diplomacy efforts. More...


Fighting corruption in defence - video interview with Mark Pyman, Transparency International

Mark Pyman, project leader for the NGO Transparency International talks about coming to NATO HQ to learn more about NATO's experise in defence reform and defence institution-building. He also talks about a new project which involves building integrity and fighting corruption in defence establishments. More...

WMV 22.787Kb

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 24.467Kb

Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) Exhibition at NATO HQ

The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer opened the Technisches Hilfswerk Exhibition at NATO headquarters on Monday 18 June. More...

  • Opening remarks by the Secretary General WMV/11.279Kb video
  • Remarks by the NATO Permanent Representative for Germany WMV/12.921Kb video
  • Remarks by the President of the Technisches Hilfswerk WMV/8.620Kb video

Videos from the Meeting of NATO Defence ministers
NATO HQ, Brussels, 14-15 June

Video summary - WMV 5785Kb

Polish President discusses Afghanistan, energy security and missile defence at NATO

The President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, visited NATO Headquarters on 6 June for talks with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...


Removing a hazard in Moldova

A NATO-OSCE Trust Fund project is helping to safely destroy stocks of dangerous pesticides in Moldova.

WMV 13.430Kb

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...

WMV 15.379Kb

videoMaytop top

Visit of US House of Representatives Speaker

Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, led a Congressional delegation which met on 31 May with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...


Responding to disasters

Evert Somer, civil emergency expert in NATO, talks about the outcome of a major disaster response exercise held in Croatia in May, including the lessons learned from the exercise for real-life responses to emergencies. More...


Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Albania visit NATO

The Prime Minister of Albania, Dr. Sali Berisha, has visited NATO Headquarters on Thursday 24 May 2007. He met with the Secretary General and addressed the North Atlantic Council. More...

WMV 8711Kb

NAC-MC Sea Day in the Gulf of Taranto

Top NATO civilian and military decision-makers observed a demonstration of the Alliance's ongoing naval counter-terrorist operations during a "Sea day" in the Italian port Taranto, 23 May.


Consequence management field exercise Idassa 2007

As of 19 May, Croatia is hosting a challenging civil emergency exercise; the fictional scenario comprises a devastating earthquake, further aggravated by chemical leaks in an industrial seaport and a terrorist threat.


Russian military choir gives performance at NATO

Following a concert at the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels the previous evening, part of the Russian Army's A.V. Alexandrov Academic Ensemble for Song and Dance gave a performance at NATO Headquarters on 22 May.


Explaining missile defence

Peter Flory, NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment, talks about NATO's involvement in developing responses to missile threats and his main priorites for 2007. More...


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


Videos from the Meeting of NATO’s and Partner Chiefs of Defence
NATO Headquarters, 9-10 May 2007

NATO to hold security talks with Partner countries in Albania

Martin Erdmann, NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, talks about upcoming security talks between NATO Member and Partner in the coastal town of Durres, Albania May 10-11. More...


NATO's anti-trafficking coordinator explains priorities

NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, John Colston, recently appointed by the NATO Secretary General as the Senior Coordinator for NATO's efforts to combat trafficking in human beings, talks about his role and priorities. More...


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


videoApriltop top

Videos from the Informal meeting of Foreign Ministers
Oslo, Norway, 26-27 April

Improving the non-proliferation regime

NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, Martin Erdmann, talks about the outcomes of a major seminar on efforts to curb the spread of weapons of mass destruction held recently in Vilnius, Lithuania, and about his optimism regarding non-proliferation efforts. More...


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


Videos from the special meeting on missile defence
NATO Headquarters, 19 April

Visit to Kosovo by the North Atlantic Council

Press conference by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer during the visit of the North Atlantic Council to Kosovo. More...


videoMarchtop top

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


Croatia: an active NATO partner

Croatian Ambassador to NATO, Mr. Davor Božinović, talked about the close cooperation that exists between NATO and Croatia in a special video interview for the NATO Web site, 28 March 2007. He touched on the upcoming civil emergency planning exercise which will take place at the end of May in Croatia and Croatia’s aspiration to become a full member of NATO by 2009. More...


High-level consultations on Kosovo and Afghanistan

On 27 March, the North Atlantic Council, NATO's principal decision-making body, discussed Kosovo and Afghanistan at a special meeting at the level of senior representatives from capitals, at NATO HQ in Brussels.

Following the meeting, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Spokesman James Appathurai briefed the media on the discussions. More...


10th Anniversary of NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Ukraine

On the occasion of its upcoming 10th anniversary, Michel Duray, Director of NATO’s Information and Documentation centre in Ukraine talks about the role of the centre and how it operates on a daily basis in Kyiv. He also speaks about the upcoming 10th year anniversary of the NATO-Ukraine Charter, which will be celebrated in July this year, as well as the main challenges and priorities for NATO Public Diplomacy in Ukraine 2007. Mr. Duray has been running the centre for the last five years. The Centre was established in May 1997. More...

Countering WMD proliferation

NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, Ambassador Martin Erdmann previews the key issues to be discussed at a major non-proliferation seminar to be held in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, 18-19 April 2007. More...


Kazakh and UK scientists win prestigious NATO Science Prize

Jean Fournet, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy awards the NATO Science Prize, to Professor Mukash Burkitbayev (Kazakhstan) and Professor Nick Priest (UK). More...


Video interview with the winners of the NATO Science Prize

Keith Gardner, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Science Co-operation of the NATO Public Diplomacy Division interviews the winners of the NATO Science Prize, Professor Mukash Burkitbayev (Kazakhstan) and Professor Nick Priest (UK). More...


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


Briefing by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

In his latest video briefing, the NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, talks about NATO's largest ground operation in Afghanistan, NATO's policy on Kosovo and the ongoing discussions on missile defence. More...


Visit of Czech Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mr. Mirek Topolánek visited NATO Headquarters on Monday, 5 March 2007, and met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...


Visit to NATO of African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security

The African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Said Djinnit, visited NATO Headquarters on 2 March and met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and with the North Atlantic Council. More...


videoFebruarytop top

The President of Georgia visits NATO

Joint press point with NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and the President of Georgia, Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili. More...


EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy visits NATO

Joint press point with NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Mr. Javier Solana. More...


U.S. National Security Advisor visits NATO

The U.S. National Security Advisor, Mr. Stephen Hadley, visited NATO HQ on Wednesday, 21 February 2007, for meetings with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and with NATO Permanent Representatives More...


UN Special Envoy for Kosovo visits NATO

The United Nations Secretary General Special Envoy for the Future Status Process for Kosovo, Mr. Martti Ahtisaari, visited NATO Headquarters on Friday 16 February 2007. He met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and addressed the North Atlantic Council with non-NATO KFOR contributors. More...


NATO Secretary General visits Kosovo

The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, visited Kosovo on Thursday, 15 February 2007. More...

Prime Minister of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 visits NATO

Nikola Gruevski, the Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1 , visited NATO Headquarters on 14 February 2007, meeting with Secretary General. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and addressing the North Atlantic Council (NAC). More...


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


Videos from the Informal meeting of NATO Defence Ministers
Seville, Spain, 8-9 February - are available separately.

NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment. More...


videoJanuarytop top

Visit to NATO by Prime Minister of Pakistan

Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Prime Minister of Pakistan, visited NATO Headquarters on Tuesday 30 January 2007.


Visit to NATO by Mr. Branko Crvenkovski, President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1

H.E. Mr. Branko Crvenkovski, President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1, visited NATO Headquarters on Monday 29 January 2007. He met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. More...


Videos from the Meeting of Foreign ministers in NATO HQ
are available separately.

United Nations Secretary General visits NATO Headquarters

The United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, visited NATO Headquarters on Wednesday 24 January 2007. During his visit, he met with the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and NATO ambassadors. More...


The 2007 Partnership for Peace Planning Symposium

The Foreign Minister of Croatia was a keynote speaker at the Symposium. In this special interview for the NATO Web site, she talks about Afghanistan as a common challenge, Croatia's key objectives for 2007, and the future of Kosovo.


NATO Off the Wire - Spokesman's video blog

Commemorative ceremony

Continuing our new series of video commentary, NATO Spokesman James Appathurai gives his personal perspective on recent articles discussing NATO. He invites you to write in with your own comments and opinions, which could be featured in the next installment.


NATO Secretary General outlines priorities for 2007

At the annual press reception on the occasion of the New Year, held at NATO Headquarters, NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, outlined the priorities of the Alliance for 2007.


The 2007 Partnership for Peace Planning Symposium

Ambassador Erdmann outlines the issues that will be discussed, and the outcomes he expects from the 2007 Partnership for Peace Planning Symposium, which will focus on strengthening NATO's partnerships.


US Secretary of Defense visits NATO HQ

During a visit to NATO HQ on 15 January, the new US Secretary of Defense, Mr. Robert Gates, said success in Afghanistan was a top priority.


Visit to NATO by Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan

The Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe, visited NATO on Friday, 12 January 2007.  He met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and with the North Atlantic Council.


Assisting Ukraine's defence and security sector reform

John Colston NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Defence Policy and Planning, Co-Chairman of the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defence Reform (JWGDR) talks about how NATO is assisting Ukraine with its defence and security sector reform priorities, the successes that have been achieved and the challenges that still need to be addressed.


NATO in action

Today’s NATO is delivering 21st century security and effective multilateral action on a truly global scale. In 2006, NATO has conducted operations on four continents, in places far outside the traditional Euro-Atlantic area, as well as conducting operations in non-traditional theatres.

wmv/25.9Mb (courtesy of US mission)

1 Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.