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Pesticide News Story: Agencies Request Comment by October 16 on Proposed Process Improvements for Pesticide Endangered Species Consultations to Enhance Opportunities for Stakeholder Input

For Release: August 17, 2012

In an August 17, 2012, Federal Register notice, EPA announced that it is seeking comments on a proposal jointly developed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“the Services”) to enhance opportunities for stakeholder input during pesticide registration reviews and endangered species consultations. Highlights include:

Comments must be submitted by October 16, 2012, to docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0442 at www.regulations.gov. The document, Proposal for Enhancing Stakeholder Input in the Pesticide Registration Review and ESA Consultation Processes and Development of Economically and Technologically Feasible Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives and the EPA's August 17, 2012, Federal Register notice are available in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0442 at www.regulations.gov.

The EPA, the USDA and the Services are available to meet with affected stakeholders to discuss and clarify the process changes described.

For more information on the EPA's Endangered Species Protection Program, visit www.epa.gov/espp.

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