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Science Policy Issues and Guidance Documents

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

EPA worked with the Tolerance Reassessment Advisory Committee (TRAC) to identify science policy issues that are key to the implementation of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) and tolerance reassessment. Although EPA has sought independent review and public participation on a wide variety of issues, the Agency agreed that the implementation process would benefit from a more thorough process of public notice and comment. In an October 29, 1998 Federal Register Notice, EPA published a framework to describe these issues. The papers associated with each issue are listed below. Planned papers are shown in gray.

  1. FQPA 10-Fold Safety Factor
  2. Dietary Exposure and Risk Assessment
  3. Threshold of Regulation
  4. Drinking Water Exposure
  5. Residential Exposure
  6. Aggregating Exposure and Risk Assessment
  7. Cumulative Risk Assessment for Pesticides with a Common Mechanism of Toxicity
  8. Cholinesterase Inhibition End Point
  9. Use and Usage Information

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FQPA 10-Fold Safety Factor Federal Register Notice of Availability
OPP-00610 - Septemter 7, 1999
OPP-00757 - February 28, 2002
Dietary Exposure and Risk Assessment
OPP-00559 - November 5, 1998
OPP-00593A - March 22, 2000
OPP-00600 - May 26, 1999
OPP-00576A - July 12, 2000
OPP-00591A - June 23, 2000
Threshold of Regulation
OPP-00570A - March 31, 2000
OPP-00569B - October 27, 1999
Drinking Water Exposure  
OPP-00577A - November 10, 1999
OPP-00679 - October 11, 2000
  • Quantitative Assessment of Uses of Concern for Drinking Water
To be determined
OPP-00731 - November 21, 2001
Residential Exposure  
Aggregating Exposure and Risk Assessment  
Cumulative Risk Assessment for Pesticides with a Common Mechanism of Toxicity  
OPP-00542 - February 5, 1999
OPP-00658B - January 16, 2002
OPP-00759 - February 28, 2002
Cholinesterase Inhibition End Point  
OPP-00560A - September 8, 2000
Use and Usage Information  
OPP-00609A - October 11, 2000

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